Friday 23 February 2018

The dreaded "P" word

I knew we'd have to face this obstacle eventually, but it's here in at a loss. How do we go about potty training. My daughter is three months shy of three, and although she's great at going to the potty sometimes, she HATES wearing anything but a diaper. It's a constant struggle. We keep her in pull-ups any time she's awake and use diapers at nap and bedtime, but she will literally sob, saying "I don't want a pull-up, I need a diaper!" Then kick like crazy to keep me from getting the pull-up on. Once it's on and we've moved on to an activity she's fine. Keep in mind I try to be really positive, I've explained that they're just practice big kid underwear and it's okay if she has an accident.Sometimes when I suggest she try to potty she's happy to try, goes through all the steps flawlessly and we make a huge deal. Other times she doesn't even want to try (not necessarily during fun activities either). I don't want to push her, but she's very "spirited" and since I know she can use the potty, I feel like she may just be testing us. I do need her to learn soon though because we're starting preschool in the fall and she needs to be potty trained.I'm having trouble balancing between being consistent with trying to use the potty, and not wanting to traumatize her by forcing her to use it if she's actually not ready. Heeeelp meeee. via /r/Parenting

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