Thursday 30 April 2020

New mom-probably a silly question

I recently had my first baby and we have her pediatrician's appointment soon. When going to things like this, are you just supposed to carry the car seat in or bring the baby in the stroller? The stroller seems big and might get in the way, but the car seat is a little heavy for me to carry right now, as I am still physically recovering from giving birth. I also don't want to seem weird if I do the wrong thing! Thank you for any advice. via /r/Parenting

Wednesday 29 April 2020

My almost 4 year old son has a habit of telling me he loves me when I'm wiping his ass.

Obviously it's really sweet and reminds me why I'm willing to wipe this humans shit out of his crack but god damn its awkward lol. Just the way he says in a soft high pitch voice "daddy...I love you" right as the toilet paper in my hand is about to touch the brown bullseye. Oh the joys of parenting...Edit: just so we're all on the same page, I'm aware it's a good sign that he is so aware of his feelings, and in turn, my feelings while doing something unenjoyable. I'm just sharing a funny story that I am excited to tell him when hes older. via /r/Parenting

Would you let your 16 yr old daughter go to Denmark for 2 weeks with her boyfriend and his family?!?!

My daughter is smart, responsible and caring. She works, gets straight A’s and is in marching band and charities. She has been with her boyfriend for one year. He is a nice boy. Her boyfriends family loves and adores my daughter. The boyfriend and his family are all from Denmark. They are fluent in Dutch and the trip to Denmark will involve visiting their family members. (I will not let her go if this covid thing is still going strong) so my question is, would YOU let your daughter go? For the cultural experience? The adventure? It is a once in lifetime opportunity, but I am fearful to not be with her. Should my fear of the unknown keep her from going? Please help me decide! Thanks via /r/Parenting

Worried about raising a socially awkward kid

I'm expecting and I have a brand new anxiety to bother with since all the old anxieties weren't enough.My husband and I have both been weirdoes all our lives. We've never belonged with anyone but each other, not even our families all that much. He had some trauma as a teenager which took a lot of time to get over, and I had mental illnesses all through my teens and early twenties.So we didn't really learn to socialize and even when we do, we aren't very good at it. We have some friends. I am very good at being social in a superficial way, so I have a lot of acquaintances but few friends.Neither of us are anxious about being social, we rather like people and social situations. We just aren't very good at it. We work hard at this stuff and we even took up therapy, but really, it doesn't feel like a skill that can be taught. It's just something we can get better at with practice, but we don't really have many people to practice with, and the current situation doesn't help. Also my mental health issues means it takes me a lot of time to finish my work, and it's difficult to make time to socialize in general. I also cut out a lot of the toxic people in my life, so my social circle has become much smaller.Anyway we're expecting and we are very happy. We are very confident for the most part. We have a lot of help from our families and both our moms have great skills with raising kids as they are educators, so most things don't bother us.The thing that is currently on my mind is that our lack of social life might end up affecting our kids. We aren't great at making people like us and hang out with us repeatedly. We also don't have great social skills despite our efforts, and worry we'll be terrible at helping our kids in social situations. We don't want people to treat our kids differently because of us, and we don't want our kids copying our bad social behaviors.We are willing to put in effort if we need to to become better, but we don't know what to do or where to go to learn to be better or to even learn what we're doing wrong. I see a therapist for mental health issues and she isn't sure how to help me. We read books, and it helps some, but how much can a book tell you how to talk to people?Is this a big deal as a parent? My parents and his are incredibly social and everyone loves them, so that seems like "ideal parent qualities" to both of us.It's also not a hereditary issue like ASD we have, so I'm not worried about passing it on. via /r/Parenting

Found a way to get my 5 and 7 year olds to practice handwriting

I just folded some blank paper in half and stapled to make a book."Who wants to make their own book?"Ive been failing at getting them to practice handwriting this month. This one finally got them to enthusiastically dive into a handwriting project. They both decided to make comic books. via /r/Parenting

I lost my cool today

I was putting my 11 month old son down for a nap. Usually it’s a 5 minute process and he’s out for between30-60 minutes. If he’s teething sometimes it’s more, but within 5 more minutes of giving him Tylenol he’s out.This morning it was 45 minutes of screaming, crying, kicking. I’ve never, EVER experienced this before from him. I became so overwhelmed and frustrated like I’ve never felt. Twice I put him in the crib and ran out of the room, almost crying myself. The second tome when I came back in I said (loudly enough to hear myself over him) that this is enough and I can’t take it anymore! About 15 minutes after that he finally fell asleep but was wimpering still, so I let him sleep on me in the chair (something we haven’t done in a long, long time).After he was asleep I caught myself almost crying again because I couldn’t believe how quickly that frustration and overwhelming feeling took over. I couldn’t believe I raised my voice to him! And also that I couldn’t help him stop crying this time, that he was helplessly alone in figuring out how to make himself stop because I couldn’t. I felt so helpless and alone too.I’ve been on parent duty 24/7 since the virus. Everyone who usually helps (including his dad) is either far away and can’t travel, is a high risk person or the caretaker of one, or works in a hospital. I’ve been a single parent for about 8 weeks now, and daycare has been closed too. I love my son, but I need a break! I need just to get my nails done, or hair cut, or to go for a jog without pushing a stroller, or have a glass (bottle? -kidding) of wine and then be able to go to sleep and not have to worry about possibly waking up to nurse or whatever. (And even if places do start opening, I still wouldn’t go for a few weeks)Just needed to vent, thanks for listening. via /r/Parenting

"Teddy's tired..." - Coaxing naptime

My toddler is nearing but not quite at the stage of dropping the midday nap... If we let him skip it, he passes out around 5, misses dinner, and is up at 7 all bright-eyed and refreshed... And bedtime's at 8:30. So then it's a fight for bedtime. Just chaos. So he needs his nap still, but he's fighting it hard lately (probably out of boredom/under-stimulation from stay-at-home orders, as much as I try to play outside with him--there just aren't great replacements for parks/playgrounds, museums, libraries, Grandma's house, running errands together, etc.) My desperate, not-great strategy was bribing him with "afternoon tea" (a little chocolate syrup in his milk and a little cookie) if he took a good nap... But he would just keep pressing the envelope, and when I'd inform him "No cookie!" "No chocolate milk!", there was nowhere to go from there...So today, I overheard him tucking Teddy in while he was duncing around in his bed not-napping, and then he was walking around on his bed yelling, so I came in and stage-whispered, "Hey, Teddy's tired and trying to sleep! Look at him, you tucked him in and now you're making all this noise." And he looked guiltily at Teddy, so I asked, "Want me to tuck you in with Teddy?" And suddenly he was all curled up with Teddy making sure I tucked them both in. ♥️ I made Teddy's head nod a little with a fake snore, and the kid was stroking Teddy's head gently when I closed the door, and he's currently asleep at a decent time! Phew!What are your strategies for fighting back against fighting needed sleep? via /r/Parenting

I’m losing my shit...

My son is four months old and up until about a month so was so easy to work with.. a routine was happening and we were getting regular day sleeps and everything was peachy.Now? Not so much. He is usually awake by 5:30am Ashe during the day will have two or maybe three naps consisting of between half and hour to forty minutes, then he work wake up and cry and scream until I pick him up. He will be awake again for about two hours before taking another half an hour nap and repeating the process... I have tried relentlessly to get him to settle and sleep a little longer but it’s not working... I put him in his bassinet and rock and shhhh him, rub his head from back to front, Pat his chest, attempt to feed him, try to coo sleep, put music on, white noise etc etc... please help I am so so so tired and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong anymore via /r/Parenting

My daughter thinks it’s my fault her father is in a coma

Ok so long story short I left my ex (daughters dad) because he was abusing drugs and didn’t want to get a job. That lasted four years of emotional torture towards me. Now I am happily engaged but now as my daughter grew up she’s 8 by the way /she’s starting to have hatred towards me by saying because of you you left my dad and now he’s in a coma. She’s also snotty towards my fiancé. What do I do! Need suggestions via /r/Parenting

Daycare is opening..Wife doesn't want to send 2.5yr old due to virus.

Are you sending you kids to daycare? Our daycare is reopening next week. This would be the first time our child attends ANY daycare. We visited the daycare but then in a week the lock down occurred. My wife stayed home with him 2.5 years, but recently received a great job opportunity and has started working this past month. I work from home. We've hired a nanny that works 8-hours for three days and four hours for two days. My wife is gone all day, I'm home.Our toddler is like all toddlers....he's a handful. Even our neighbors comment on how 'energetic' he is. Working in the house when he's here, even with a nanny, is so difficult. I hear all his meltdowns and there are so many. So then I go out and help. I do conference calls and zoom in my car because it's the only quiet place.My wife does not feel safe sending him to daycare. The daycare gave us a list of all the precautions they are taking (temps of parents & employees, cleaning, etc. etc.). My wife is still uncomfortable.When I tell her it's hard to do my job with a toddler, she gives me a speech how at least I have help (the nanny). For 2.5 years she did it on her own...although I did not point out she did not have a full-time job on top of raising our child.I understand her concerns and want to be sensitive to them, it's so difficult to do my job. I am the main $$$ so my job is important. Also, a nanny costs more than daycare. Our kid is one that needs other kids. He thrives in a social environment. But if we send him and he gets sick or one of us get sick, then I'll be blamed.Not sure what the best move is here.I'm in my 40s my wife in her 30s. No underlying conditions. My wife's job puts her in grocery stores all day, so she's exposed, although does wear mask. Although we live in Michigan which is a hot spot, we have around 210 cases on our county and 1300 in the county next to ours. Detroit is 3+ hours away. via /r/Parenting

6yo feels my authority is "unfair". Help on how to handle?

So, basically, every conflict with my 6 year old son can be boiled down to him not accepting/agreeing with the premise that I, as the adult, can make decisions for him and without his agreement. He seems honestly heartbroken, almost like he is grieving his perceived loss of autonomy and he feels there is something extremely unjust about the whole setup.I am not authoritarian at all, I have raised him with a great deal of personal freedom and respect for his autonomy.The latest conflict came tonight, because I made it a rule, that he goes to the toilet and tries to pee, before going to bed. He was livid, and basically said that it's unfair I can make rules, when he can't.If this was just a tantrum in response to a disagreement, I'd just shrug it off and tell him tough luck. But this was such heartfelt sorrow and has come up before, I would like to know if this is a thing for some kids and how to support him through it. via /r/Parenting

I'm so lost...

So I'm a mom with a 3 yeard old daughter about to be 4 this summer and a son that just turned 2! Love them to bits and pieces, I've had postpartum depression once I dealt with that I am getting therapy for PTSD which is taking a toll on my mentally. My only outlit was being able to leave for an hour or so to go for a drive grab some coffee and what not. Once my husband (now ex and current best friend) he's understanding to some degree. But with this lockdown I cant leave very much hes an essential worker so I'm stuck at home almost 24/7 with my kids. Whom I love with ALL my heart. However in on the verge of a breakdown my daughter has this attitude. We don't believe in spanking and have never done it. We've done the two finger tap on the wrist. And time outs. Which have worked up till now. She has this monotone thick with attitude "no." Quick and simple. This hasn't bothered me. But everything I ask her lately gets me this response. I'm at my wits end. I have no idea what to do. I'm afraid to call my dad and ask I think he will laugh and tell me she has my attitude. I get it. I wasnt the easiest. But I'm desperately crying for help. I have no idea how to deal with this. I've ignored her I've taken toys. I've locked her in her room starred at a wall. I've never thought of spanking this whole time when shes aweful. I've never been so close to just giving up ever. I'm grinding my teeth with frustration and I hate this feeling of resent towards her and myself. Please help me! via /r/Parenting

Why does quiet = good ?

Does it bother or disturb anyone else that quiet kids in our society automatically equal good kids? Like it doesn't matter at all what goes on inside a child's mind and soul..all that matters is how they behave on the outside. I was a very quiet kid and I can guarantee you I was far from okay on the inside..but no, all that mattered was that I was quiet and compliant. Nothing else. Then as I got older you wouldn't believe the amount of criticizing and judgement I got from people about how quiet I was. It's very confusing to someone to being conditioned as a child that all that matters is being quiet and compliant but then are ridiculed non stop as an adult for the exact same thing. Like where is the line? Shouldn't we be parenting kids the way we want them to be when they grow up and for the long term ? Not just the way we want them now? It's hard to suddenly learn how to interact and socialize when all you've ever been taught is to shut up and be quiet. I don't think it's a coincidence that a huge amount of adults are socially inept and have no clue how to open up or communicate properly with other people, because they were never taught how to open up and communicate effectively when they were little! . I know some kids are naturally quiet, and I'm not saying all quiet kids aren't good kids, I'm just saying that if kids are a bit louder and more outspoken why are those the kids that get judged so much? Naturally quiet kids or kids that are quiet from abuse are constantly praised and looked at as " good" yet the naturally more out there, loud kids are looked down on. It doesn't seem fair to me. Shouldn't it be a good thing for a child to be able to stand up for themselves and have their own opinion? They deserve to have a voice too. That's how they learn and grow. Why should kids have to go along with what someone says just because they're an adult? Not all adults know better or know what's best, trust me. Don't we want competent kids that can think for themselves? I think this whole conditioning of quiet= good needs to stop. A lot of quiet kids are probably actually very hurting and disturbed on the inside but nobody cares about that. Allowing kids to have emotions is healthy. Teaching them to hold everything in at all times and just be compliant just because , definitely isn't healthy and can lead to a lot of issues later on in life.Teaching kids that all that matters is to be quiet isn't the way to go about things. Let's start thinking critically about how we treat kids and what the outcome is. Kids deserve respect and to be treated good no matter what their natural temperament. via /r/Parenting

Parents of kids with ASD, how’s everything?

It’s very hard for us right now since I’m currently working 40 hours while dad is staying with our son (6 years old). Our son refuses to do zoom classes. He doesn’t want to see classmates or to be seen either. He also doesn’t want to do the online assignments they are given. Basically him adjusting to a new schedule without school is incredibly hard. We also fear how it will be like for him to go back to school especially because he will be starting a new school (we just moved).If you have any tips please share. Also please share your schedule. Thank you. ❤️ via /r/Parenting

Weekly - Ask Parents Everything - April 29, 2020

A new post every 2 weeks. Ask parents anything. This is a good landing place for those who have questions for or about parenting, but aren't yet parents/legal guardians and can't create new posts in the sub.All questions and responses must adhere to our community rules.For daily questions see /r/Askparents via /r/Parenting

Dear Teachers,

I will NEVER miss another Teacher Appreciation Day! Ever, EVERRRR.Thank you guys for teaching and spending time with my kids daily.Can you give me any tips?Last line is a JOKE. via /r/Parenting

I feel like i’m bullying my children.

I don’t physically abuse my children, I don’t call them names or anything. I find myself though being overly annoyed with them and not shying away from letting them know it. By sighing heavily or just telling them not right now. I feel like I blow up at any little thing, even if it’s just “pick up your cereal bowl! How many times do I have to tell you!” My kids seem to always slump their shoulders over, look to the floor and frown or pout.. and it’s in that moment that my heart breaks. I never wanted to be this kind of mother. I always said I would be better than my parents (who are drug addicts and never gave two shits other than to yell at me about how bad of a child I was even though I excelled at school with straight A’s all through til middle school) which I am. I don’t do drugs at all, and I’ve stopped drinking completely because I felt like it could lead to me abusing it. So what’s my excuse for making my kids feel like shit like my parents did to me? I wish I knew how to turn that part off on my brain, or to be better when it came down to getting after my kids. Someone please tell me... how the hell do I stop bullying my children. I want to love them all the time and never be angry. I understand that children have to be disciplined, I don’t spank mine, I just don’t think it helps but I feel like yelling at them isn’t making them better people either. Please, help. via /r/Parenting

Incessant talking

When does it stop?!She’s 6 and hasn’t stopped talking to take a breath or chew since she learned how to speak. No joke. I want to die.Is this normal? Is this ADHD?Help. via /r/Parenting

How do I teach my kid to blow her nose?

I'm going to go insane through the sniffling. My almost 3 year old clearly has some blockage, but I can't get to it! She asks for tissues constantly but can't physically blow to get it out. She only wipes her nose trying to get it out.This has been since last night... Honestly it probably bothers me more than her, but any tips for what's worked with your kiddos? via /r/Parenting

My wife can't seem to cope with son (28mth boy) and I don't know what to do?

Hi, we have a 2yr old boy. And while he is very high energy, so is my wife. I think maybe he learnt (or inherited) a lot of behaviour from her. Anyway he's always been a hand full but while been on lock down I've looked after him a lot, all day while wife does work away from home. He's fine, sure he's full of beans but I set some boundaries and we play, I get things done like cleaning, baking, making lunch, making beds, cleaning rooms etc etc When we switch, I go of to do a days work. She's constantly asking me for help. She's clearly stressed. She has a permanent frown. She can't do anything else apart from run around after the boy. Nothing else gets done, so the house becomes messier and messier. She takes 20 min showers when I come in just to get away. It's stressing me out as it puts way more pressure on me. But also i knoww she just needs to take charge. She will not take any advice. So all I can do is support her, but it's just leaving me picking up everything. In really at a loss same I think things will get worse once the not starts challenging her as all kids do. She doesn't take well to difference of opinion. Sorry for a bit of rant but I'm really worried as I can't tell her anything, looking for good suggestive techniques I guess. Or maybe I'm just gonna quit work. via /r/Parenting

I just learned how to disable the touch screen on my iPhone while my toddler plays with it

I learned this today and wanted to share! This is amazing if you have a toddler or small child and you don’t want to then to exit the video you play for them or the game they are playing or whatever. I have an iPhone so I only know how to do it on that but you go to your settings and tap on General. Then accessibility, then scroll all the way down to guided access. Turn it on. Then turn the accessibility shortcut on. (it should be on the same screen) Then, click on passcode settings. Click on set guided access passcode. I made mine my kids birthday since that’s the only time I use this feature. And that’s it! Go to the app you want your child on, Triple click your home button (newer iPhones triple click the lock button) and it will activate. It will allow you access within the app you are using. To disable the entire screen circle the entire screen on the options and boom you’re all set. To exit triple click home button again and enter the password you set up. This is an amazing hack, hope it helps! via /r/Parenting

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Sometimes I’m afraid she’s going to be my only child

My daughter is one. I’m a 33 year old single mom. Her father is not involved at all. A few months ago I tried dipping my toes back into dating; but it didn’t work out. Then all this madness we’re currently experiencing happened so obviously I’m not dating now. I fear she may end up being the only child I ever have a chance to have. That there’s so much about having an infant I’m going to miss. She’s been a wonderful baby. Like I know people say that about their kids... but she really is. She started sleeping through the night around 3 months (like 12 hours straight). She sleeps til 9am. She doesn’t seem to be bothered by teeth cutting in. She’s never even ran a fever. I mean if a trick baby to make you want to reproduce more ever existed she’s it. Sometimes when my friends complain about their babies I just want to scream to the rooftops about how great she’s been. It makes me so sad when I put away her outgrown clothes and think I may never have a reason to use them again. I struggle with jealousy as friends announce their second pregnancies or that they’re trying. I’m trying to work on that because I know it’s wrong to feel that way. I want to be with someone who wants a family too. It seems like all I ever meet are men who already have kids who don’t want more, don’t have kids and never want kids, or aren’t really ready to settle down yet. I feel like the last song at the prom is playing and everyone has paired off I’m just standing there alone....what if it never happens for me? I love her more than life itself. But I was an only child and I know it’s lonely. I wanted siblings for her. via /r/Parenting

I created a token economy for my 6 year old and it is saving our sanity

First, I'm well-aware that this is not something I was remotely close to "inventing" and that it's something plenty of people recommend for exactly the situation; however, I hadn't been prepared for how well it worked for us and I'd like to share our experience.We are both working from home, and we also have a 2 year old. They're both boys and are exactly like any stereotype of 2 and 6 year old boys might be. They're all over the place, being super cute and friendly one moment and then beating on each other the next.I was Dxed with ADD as a kid and got a new Dx of ADHD-C a few years ago, and the 6 year old reminds me of me as a kid...he can only focus on things he likes, and while he's incredibly smart, anything that he doesn't understand immediately he gets frustrated with and abandons. He LOVES math but sees a lot of other things as a waste of time, and doesn't have the patience to write anything out, and when he does he has super sloppy handwriting because he's in a rush to get it over with.We've tried a variety of things, both before and during quarantine. His teacher used a color chart where each kid started on Green, but could go down to yellow or red, or up to purple. I adopted that and made it where if he got green at the end of the day, he could watch TV the next day, and purple let him play Wii. Yellow meant he could watch TV only for a little bit in the afternoon, and red was no screen time outside of schoolwork.That worked a bit, but one thing I realized is that once he got down to red, he would just be a hellion because he knew there was nothing worse to get, but also when he was on purple he'd often stop being good because there was nothing higher to get, either.I found a couple rolls of pennies while we were cleaning the other day, and figured I'd try something out that I'd seen on an old BBC documentary about ADHD.I told him that for basically anything he did that was good, he would get a penny. Make your bed? Penny. Brush your teeth without being nagged? Penny. Clean up? Penny. Read a new book? Penny. Play nice with your brother? Penny.Then I made a chart that showed the rewards he could "buy" with his new-found riches. Play wii in the morning? Pay me 20 pennies before bed. TV is 10. Having tablet time while his brother naps is 15. Dessert is 10 for something like a piece of chocolate and 15 for a popsicle or small bit of ice cream. We have jelly bellies for potty training his brother and he wanted some. I told him I'd sell him 2 beans per penny.He has spent most of his waking time the last week finding every little thing he can to earn pennies, often without us asking. I'll turn around and he'll be there and say that he cleaned the playroom. Now, he straight up asks for pennies for everything that he does, but whatever...usually it's actually worth one.I made a list of things that lose him a penny, but so far he's not lost too many. They're things like hitting his brother or riding his bike outside of where we can see him. Just "being bad" in general doesn't lose one, it just prevents him from getting them, which is something he's very driven for right now.There wasn't enough granularity with the colors, and the rate of reward/punishment was too spaced out. With this, he can be constantly thinking about ways to be good to earn, and I'm happy to shower him with tokens in return.If you've been struggling with behavior of your kids old enough to grasp this, I suggest you give it a shot. Pennies are an easy token you probably have laying around, but Amazon has pretty cheap generic plastic tokens, or you could use plastic marbles or whatever else.I'm happy to answer any questions about any of the details if anyone cares. via /r/Parenting

Store employee asks to take a photo of your kids because he “just loves kids”. Red flag?

Or am I over reacting?Had my 2 girls (3 and 5) with me at the grocery store. The greeter stops me and asks if I would mind if he took a photo of my girls because he “just loves kids”. I politely declined because I don’t even put pics of them on social media but I still feel uneasy about the request. Do I call the store? I can’t help but feel this was inappropriate.I don’t want to assume that every person who likes kids is being sexual about it. Has anyone had similar experiences? via /r/Parenting

Sometimes they just need a cuddle.

My toddler (2.5F)had a very busy day today. She went to day care, then played outside until evening crept closer. I don’t know what it was but an hour before bed time a demon seemed to possess her—she was just mad at the world. She fought to put clothes on, fought to have her nails clipped and then freaked out when we tried—it was just a mess. So finally I just put her in the crib and she’s bawling. I felt so, so bad so I go “do you want a big hug?” Her response: “I want big hug and kiss!” My heart just melted on the spot. So I picked her up, said “Want to sit with daddy?” and she meekly said “Yes.”I just rocked her while she calmed down, saying “Daddy loves you, it’s okay” and it felt like the best decision I could’ve made. After she calmed down, she went back to her crib, I kissed her two kitty stuffed animals + elephant like she asks, and she went to sleep.I think I’m a pretty good dad, but making that choice to take her out of the crib and cuddle for a few minutes just felt right. I could’ve stormed out or flipped off the handle like she was doing—trust me, I really wanted to—but I didn’t. And my reward was some nice snuggles with the sweetest little girl anyone could ask for. via /r/Parenting

Worried that being an extreme introvert will hurt my child

I (30m) am an extreme introvert. This quarantine has been paradise for me. I don't enjoy being out in public and worked extremely hard to find myself in a WFH role so I don't have to deal with coworkers. My wife and I are expecting in August and I worry that my being an extreme introvert will hurt my child in the long run. I don't even go to my own friends and families parties the very idea that I have to associate with other parents sends chills down my spine. How do my fellow introverts deal with these things? via /r/Parenting

My daughter listens to a hand puppet, but not the guy with his hand up its arse

When my daughter gets upset (eg if we take away a toy or other privilege for being naughty, she just escalates and escalates and can't be spoken with coherently. Just screaming. She was having a stage 5 red alert tantrum tonight (pure rage and despair, like a feral child) and I thought I'd try something new.I popped the imaginatively named mouse puppet, Mousey, round the corner and did his weird cockney/aussie voice that I do, and she just calmed right down and went and sat under my desk feeling a bit sorry for herself. I went over for a chat but she would only speak to Mousey. I have to stay above my desk as this chat is between her and Mousey apparently. Mousey has a chat about behaviours and consequences, which she listens to, and gives her a hug. She hugs him back and agrees that maybe brushing teeth was worth it to keep her new toys and TV rights "I suppose so, Mousey". Later she is about to start her routine of sneaking out of bed and throwing another shit fit, but Mousey steps in and has a chat last minute after my failed attempts and she lays down and goes to sleep.TL;DR a £2 sock puppet is a better parent than me.Thoughts on what's going on here and whether my daughter will grow up to become a furry? via /r/Parenting

Hiding on stairs because I can hear his bang clearing up

Just put the youngest kids to bed, about to walk downstairs and can hear the wonderfulsounds of tidying up the kitchen - whilst my eldest is taking non stop - as she does all day to me 🤣 If I go down I’ll have to take over. as this does not happen often im just taking 5,10 possibly 15 mins out peace a glorious quite via /r/Parenting

I don't like my daughter and it's breaking my heart

So I have two kids, L and M. L is 30 and M is 34. I've really struggled since they were young to like L. I have a lot of patience for kids. M wasn't a walk in the park, but I've never met anyone like L. I didn't have a lot of money when the kids were growing up, so they really weren't spoiled but she just thought that she was better than everyone. She threw the worst fits I've ever seen (still does at 30). She just made life miserable and it sucks but I really struggled to like her.L got married to an extremely rich man. I don't know the details, but multiple homes, multiple cars level of wealth, and it just made her worse. She is obsessed with money and appearance, and her husband worships Trump. I get so embarrassed when I hear her speaking to her employees, and I can't even go out to eat with her. Her own kids don't seem to like her very much. Her husband feeds into her. She's done a lot financially for M and I, but the truth is if she wasn't my daughter, she isn't someone I'd ever want to associate with. She doesn't work and constantly makes fun of women who have to. She has very bizarre outdated beliefs, which I did not raise her with, and she has to be the center of attention. Her husband seems o think this is "cute" but I'm just tired of it. So do you deal with an adult child you don't like. I'm remarried now and financially stable, and she hasn't given me money in a while, but I want to love her, because she is my daughter. Has anyone ever dealt with a child they just don't like. via /r/Parenting

How do working parents have time to spend with their kids?

I’m currently 6 months pregnant. My husband and I both work in tech. We work between 9 and 14 hours a day and sometimes weekends. I can’t imagine how there is enough time in the day to take care of children. It’s hard enough to make time to eat or go grocery shopping. I have no idea how we are going to make this work. via /r/Parenting

My toddler is a trash panda

My toddler grabbed a piece of muffin from the trash can and ate it while I had my back turned. Then proceeded to spit out the chewed up mush and attempt to throw it back away after I fussed at her about it. Toddlers 🤦🏼‍♀️ via /r/Parenting

“Just find an activity to keep them occupied”

“Have them run outside to burn off their energy”Anyone else getting nonsense advice like this from non parents during quarantine?Like “Gee never thought about finding something to keep them occupied, thank you for your sage wisdom”I have two very rambunctious boys ages 4 & 5 and nothing keeps them entertained for long stretchesRant over via /r/Parenting

Ever since school has been cancelled, my 12 year old son WILL NOT shower

My 12 year old son has never been a big fan of showering. When he was younger, we had a lot of battles about showering every day. However, what got him to shower every day was the possibility that the other kids at school would make fun of him for not showering, since he is quite social. Occasionally he would quietly grumble and complain about showering, but he would at least get the job done.Now that school has been cancelled, he has fallen back into his old habits of not showering. He thinks that he doesn't have to shower because he won't be around his friends for a while. However, I've tried to make it clear that that's not the case. He has to shower every day because showering and bathing is a basic human need. But still, he won't do it. He will usually spend upwards of 20 minutes now stalling and complaining and arguing. I don't know what to do. In my desperation, I took away his Xbox for a month so that he can earn it back through a month of showers without complaining because of this nonsense, but that didn't do anything. He's still arguing and complaining. He's acting 10 years younger than he really is, and this is unacceptable. Does he possibly have depression? How can I fix this? via /r/Parenting

5 year old being very hurtful towards her mother/grandmother

Quick backstory:My fiancé has a 5 year old daughter from her previous marriage. They separated when she was 9 months old. She goes back and forth from us (65%) to her father (35%). She spends a lot of time with the grandparents on both sides especially during the covid-19 lockdown.Lately she has been acting out a lot wanting to spend more time with her father and his grandparents. She has been constantly telling my fiancé and her mother she likes the other side of the family more and prefers them as parents/grandparents because she will get whatever she wants from them. My fiancé's mother has been putting in an incredible amount of effort the last month taking care of her almost to the point of spoiling her with love and affection. Her behaviour has been very hurtful and upsetting for my fiancé and her mother.I have a very good relationship to my "stepdaughter" and we have become very close. The way she acts towards her mother and grandmother worries me and they are not sure how to handle her behaviour. We are expecting a baby boy in July which complicates the situation.I know she is only 5 years old and kids can be irrational. The last thing anyone wants is to push her away or make her feel unwelcome but her behaviour towards her mother and grandmother needs to change. I don't want her to manipulate both sides of the family into a competition of who will spoil her more.Any advice on how to handle this situation? via /r/Parenting

Father-son time during Covid

My husband is off work this week. He took a yesterday to rest, get a few projects done, and felt he didn’t get enough time with our son(3). So he wants to do something fun with him today just the two of them. Normally when they have a day together they go to Taco Bell and the park, but obviously playgrounds are locked down and dine in is no longer an option. What are other fun ideas they can get into? (I’m posting because he doesn’t use reddit) via /r/Parenting

Concerned about teenagers eating habits

My twin sons are 18 and in their senior year of high school. Both of them were quite large about a year and a half ago (5’9 and 215 for A and 5’9 and 240 for B). Twin A was relatively healthy and athletic at that time and once with some prodding was able to shed some weight, and got down to 180’s. He got injured in the fall which led him to sitting out athletically the remainder of the year. There was a bit of depression surrounding that as he wanted to play in university, and the lack of movement led him to put on a few pounds. That I find understandable.Twin B on the other hand didn’t lose any weight, maintained for a while, and then gained some more. I do not know how much heavier he is but he is over 240.To add a third child to the mix, my 20M has come back from his second year at university heavier than ever. He was the athletic one and was generally fit in high school, ran cross country and such. The athletics stopped in university and I guess stress and lack of healthy eating habits led him to pile on weight. He goes to university a decent distance away so we don’t see him often, and last summer he studied abroad and had an internship in a city a few hours away so did not see much of him, but every time I saw him he was noticeably bigger.Both my wife and I work an hour + from our house, so we haven’t really watched what our children eat outside of our meals. We keep a fully stocked house and my kids are old enough to cook for themselves on days where we won’t be home in a timely manner, but it seems like they don’t.Now everybody is at home with coronavirus quarantine, and the eating habits are atrocious. I cook a lot (lots of protein, low carb), and very rarely order takeout, but the house is filled with snacks and other junk food such as Ramen that I don’t buy. It’s like anywhere I look they’re chowing down on some snack instead of eating a nutritious meal. I’ve seen pizza delivered at 11pm after we’ve all had dinner.My wife doesn’t want me to make a stink about it because she believes I handled it very poorly the last time I lost it over their weights and eating habits, and especially to the college aged kid because he is “stressed”.Any suggestions? Thanks via /r/Parenting

Monday 27 April 2020

I was not prepared...

When I was a kid I loved to pretend to be a parent, as many young children do. I had a cabbage patch doll and she was my "daughter". I spent years excited to grow up and have my own family. However, as I got older I started to dislike the idea of being a parent. I figured I was too focused on myself all the time and I just wouldn't make a good mom. I pretty much kept this thought process up until I met my fiance. He changed everything... because he knocked me up. When I found out I was honestly calmer than I thought I would be... I had a feeling that he wasn't going to abandon me... especially since he was more excited than I was at first. I spent the first trimester puking in my room. I spent the second trimester so excited but also had this "it's-all-a-dream" feeling. I had the same feeling during the third trimester, but I also had heartburn and a mixed excited/terrified feeling as well. When I went into labor the feeling only intensified with each contraction. 9 months and 4 days of pregnancy with 13 hours of labor and I was not prepared for how much I would love her. I was not prepared for the rush of emotion I got when they laid her on my chest. I was not prepared to spend every second terrified that something could happen and I could lose her forever. I was not prepared for any of this, but I have loved every second of being a mom so I was not prepared to love my daughter so much. via /r/Parenting

My 11 week old hates her father and its causing serious stress in the house.

My daughter is 11 weeks old and is attached to me. No, really...attached. to. Me. I can't even put her down and she screams if her father even talks to her (but not her brother and sister, just her father) he's crushed to the point of depression...I have no idea what to do. She will be in my lap smiling and giggling at me and he will lean in to join in on our game and she will start balling! Wtf! He's so hurt and its killing me via /r/Parenting

I’m raising an evil genius

My husband and I were laying in bed when we heard our 7 year old running around trying to find the remote to her TV, so we decided it’d be funny to sneak up on her and bust her. Little stinker gave us a run for our money. Not only was my husband unable to bust the child (she was back in her room by the time he got out to the living room), but the little turd was behind her door WAITING FOR HIM to jump out on when he came into her too. Child scared him half to death jumping out on him. I’ve never been more proud/scared in my life 😂 via /r/Parenting

I feel like I am never going to mentally or physically recover from this.

I know everyone is struggling right now. I also know that my family is luckier than many at the moment. I just need a bit of a vent.I have two boys, 15 months and 3. We are stuck at home now, mostly, like everyone else. I am struggling. I feel like I’m drowning.In the last 6 months, the 15 month old has had 2 cases of hand, foot and mouth. And a case of gastro so bad we went to the hospital. And he burnt his hands on the oven at Christmas. And he had a respiratory infection that required an ambulance and hospital. And right now he has an infected lump that is requiring two sorts of antibiotics to treat. His health is not great. He doesn’t sleep at night. A good night is two wake ups. A bad night (like last night) had me unable to go to sleep until 1:30am because he was so miserable. Then he woke at 4am again.He is a beautiful boy though.My 3 year old is going nuts in isolation. Endless tantrums. I can’t seem to wear him out enough for him to sleep without a fight. I’ve come to dread naptime - he won’t even sit in his room quietly anymore. He used to enjoy his quiet/naptime but now it is a huge war and screaming and endless requests for food/to pat his back/for a tissue/anything. At night he can whine and yell for hours. It never used to be like this.Honestly, every day at the moment is a nightmare. I’m so exhausted that my eye is twitching, I’m losing weight, my hair is falling out, I have a cold I can’t shake.Everyday it’s something else going wrong. Right now it’s a drain under our house that’s blocked and leaking water everywhere. Now we need a plumber and it’s just another stress and another expense...Honestly I feel like I will never recover from this. I don’t think it’s possible for someone to be so stressed and so exhausted and miserable for so long and not be changed by it.Sorry for the rant. Just needed to get this out. All the best to everyone, hope you are all holding up ok. via /r/Parenting

My kid locked me out of my iPad and now I have to get a new one.

So the little guy somehow locked me out of my iPad. It has been disabled for the last three days, and apparently the only way to get it un-disabled is to connect to iTunes on the computer. iTunes is telling me my iPad isn’t supported anymore (cause it’s old AF, I got it in 2013 and it was a couple years old then) and can’t update it in order to un-disable it, so it’s giving me the option to factory reset it instead. REALLY?!So I cave. I begin the factory reset process. Now it’s telling me that not only is my iPad factory-reset, but it still won’t let me enter a passcode or begin the setup process because it cannot communicate with my iTunes account anymore... and the home screen won’t leave the “iPad is disabled” message.Seriously. What the flock?! I quit. I’m getting a new iPad. Apple, you win. Little guy, you win.Anyone else find themselves in a similar pickle? :(What’s a better device you have found that the little guy can’t destroy but is similar to an iPad? Thanks :) via /r/Parenting

My 3 y/o daughter passed away

She's gone. I don't know why yet. Due to coronavirus results are backlogged. I'm not sure if knowing will make it better. My wife and son were home and I was at work. She is a CNA and tried her best to revive her but neither she could or the hospital. To top everything off since they couldn't determine a cause of death DCFS has taken our son temporarily until they can determine a cause. They ransacked our home and violated our privacy, I am so lost. No parent should have to go through this and I think to myself if I would've had any sign of it I could've stayed home. Maybe things would be different. She was a happy girl but I'm afraid our lives will never recover from this. via /r/Parenting

My 11 year old daughter started losing a lot of hair.... puberty related?

She is 11.5 and ive noticed her hair is like all over the place for the past 4-5 weeks.She is a deep thinker and worries a lot but says she hasn't been worried about anything lately. She is healthy.Could it be puberty related? via /r/Parenting

Home "schooling" rant

My 5 year old started kindergarten this year and since we have switched to home (due to the pandemic) I have become annoyed with the lesson plan. Keep in mind he is learning writing letters and reading/writing some sight words. His lesson plan this week is to identify noun and verbs and adjectives and write them. Is this normal? Is my mind it's crazy to try leaping ahead to new subject matter when you barely have the basics down. Am I crazy? Am I going too easy on my child? Are we that far behind in reading? via /r/Parenting

Atheist parents: How would you feel about your child becoming religious?

I grew up in a religious home. I rebelled and became a hardcore atheist in my teen years. Now I'm just a run of the mill atheist. I always hated how my parents pushed religion so hard when I was clearly trying to distance myself from that.It makes me wonder about my kids. I have 5 kids and the oldest is starting to ask questions about God. I found some cool resources online that explain different world religions to kids and he's so into it. I don't know how I would feel about him becoming religious though. I wouldn't want to be like my parents but I am not a fan of the kind of judgment that was so common in the church when I was growing up. I want my kids to love everyone and, although that is what religion is supposed to teach, I feel like it more often leads to the opposite.I don't know. I'm afraid of pushing too hard like my parents did but I'm not sure if I would be okay with him becoming a a preacher. via /r/Parenting

Our 4y/o daughter aka Cock

This happened a couple weeks abut I’m still cracking up about it so thought I’d share...maybe you’ll get a chuckle out of it too. My 4-year-old has really gotten in to pretending she’s a dog lately. Normally she’ll pretend to be a dog one day, a mermaid the next, then a get it. Anyway, she’s been stuck on being a dog for weeks. She’s named herself “Cock-a-doodle-doo” and insists I get in on the game and call her “Cock-a-doodle-doo” too. I call “Cock-a-doodle-doo” to come to dinner, “Cock-a-doodle-doo” to come get in the bath, “Cock-a-doodle-doo”, to come help clean toys, etc. On a related note, my husband has been working from home right in the middle of our house in the living room. My daughter and I typically do a pretty good job of being quiet when he’s on Zoom/conference call with one big, recent exception. The other day, our beloved “Cock-a-doodle-doo” decided she wanted to start going by a nickname. She told me what it was but since we were trying to be as quiet as we could, I didn’t quite catch what she said. She said it again and I still didn’t hear/understand her. She got really frustrated at this point and started yelling her desired nickname over and over (in the background of the Zoom call). “COCK!!! COCK!! MY NAME IS COCK!! MY NAME IS COOOOOOOCK!!” Husband on his Zoom call tried to keep it together but just plain couldn’t pretty soon his boss and the owner of the company and most of his coworkers were dying laughing at our four year old named Cock. Hope you might get #quarantinelife chuckle out of it too. PS- I asked her this morning again what her name was (wondering if she might have moved on at some point) but nope, still Cock. via /r/Parenting

Weekly - Stories From The Weekend - April 27, 2020

A weekly thread to share stories that happened over the weekend.Wondering who your mods are? Click here to meet the mod team! via /r/Parenting

Preschool right now

My child’s preschool will be opening within a couple weeks and I am not sure I should send him and go back to work? We’re in a state with low cases and we have to go back eventually via /r/Parenting

My 5 year old daughter has turned into a different person and I’m struggling

My wife and I have a 5 year old daughter together. She has always been sweet, kind, and a good listener. I’ve worked very hard to teach her to be kind, to appreciate what she has, and to listen/mind. The past 3 weeks she has pulled a 180. No matter how many times I tell her or ask her to do something she does not listen. I have to ask/tell her 20x before she’ll do it and whines and cries about everything. The newest development is that she just does not comprehend appreciation and certainly lacks empathy towards my wife, myself, and our dogs. We’ve tried discussing with her in-depth why she can’t act the way she does, we’ve tried timeout, we’ve taken away her toys, we’ve spanked her (hate doing that), and more discussing.The changes seem to tie with the pandemic lock-in. Beforehand she was in pre-k 5 days a week and spending afternoons at daycare. For the past 3-4 weeks she has been at home with me all day/everyday. This suggests that being home with me is the “problem”. But I’m uncertain why. Perhaps I’m overreacting. But what I do know is I can’t handle arguing with her every other minute and am just not sure how to proceed. Your advice is appreciated. via /r/Parenting

Potty training troubles

I am trying to potty train my 3yo (4 in August) son. My Facebook parent friends all say "He'll do it when he's ready" and "It'll be like a switch flips and he will just start going on the potty" but I really don't know how true that is... He never tells me when he has to go, even if I ask him right before he goes in his diaper. He never tells me when he poops; he is content to just sit in it and runs away when I tell him it's time to change his diaper.For a few weeks we tried having him sit on the potty every half hour-ish, but he hated that and I didn't want to force him and make it a negative experience so we stopped. But he needs to be potty trained for pre-k and he will be starting that in September. I feel the pressure and I'm so worried he will be behind with socialization and learning if he can't go to school in September because he won't potty train.Any advice or sharing of experiences is greatly appreciated. I just need to know I'm not the only one who is struggling with this with their little one. via /r/Parenting