Wednesday 29 November 2017

Moments when you realize how much parenting has changed your life!

So, today, I realized how much of my day to day life has changed. Of course, it's pretty obvious that your life changes once you have children, but sometimes it takes certain moments to really make those changes palpable and for you to really realize how different things are, for better and for worse! Today, my SIL, who lives down the street offered to spend the day with my daughter bc she was off work and wanted to give me some time to catch up on errands or whatever else I needed to do. I took was thrilled and took her up on the offer, as I'm a stay at home mom who lives away from family (other than SIL) who rarely gets a break from parenting. I really didn't have much I needed to do today errands wise, so I decided I'd catch up on laundry and cleaning. I have also been really craving some down time to destress, so I was ecstatic that this opportunity presented itself! She leaves, and I get to it. Once I was done cleaning, i had this moment where i was like, "What the heck should I do, and what the heck did I used to with free time at home!" Now, I've been away from my daughter on short trips, and date nights, etc, but I think this might be the first time where I was home for more than 2 hours without her here. The silence was extremely notable! Also, being able to walk into a different room without being chased. Or take my time in the bathroom. It really hit me how much everything has changed! It is just what i needed, but it just feels soooo strange! It's like I had completely forgotten what my life used to be like! Has anyone had any moments like this where they realize just how different things are? I dont mean to imply that im a completely different person or anything like that, but it's crazy to think about how much my day to day experience of life has changed!Edit: I should add that my daughter is 2 so she is in a more demanding stage! via /r/Parenting

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