Sunday 27 May 2018

Babysitters and Doing Dishes?

I'm genuinely curious: when you guys get baby sitters, do they do the dishes?When I grew up babysitting, my mother firmly instructed me that after I get the kids in bed, I spend 15-20 minutes cleaning up the dishes/tidying the kitchen and THEN I chill out, watch TV and eat snacks. That was just basic Babysitting 101.We've now used 3-4 different sitters over the past couple of years, and I don't think a single one has tidied up the few dishes that are inevitably in the sink following an afternoon/evening with kids.Last night, our kiddo was in bed and asleep at 7pm (the sitter texted me to let me know). We didn't get home until 10pm. So our sitter, a lovely and capable human, had three hours. And yet, kid's plate was on the counter with food still on it, and 7-8 other dishes left untouched.I find this pretty irritating when she's getting $15/hr. It would be so nice if everything was tidied when we got home.Do your babysitters do the dishes? Am I expecting too much of babysitters in 2018?EDIT to add: By "everything was tidied" I mean specifically the kitchen. Not additional housework, cleaning etc. Literally just the dishes. via /r/Parenting

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