Monday 27 January 2020

How do you all manage to juggle life with multiple kids and still remain energetic and upbeat?

Whenever I am out in the store, I see all these parents especially mothers on shopping runs with 2-3 kids of various sizes including infants. What amazes me is how they seem to be relaxed, calm and totally in control. I have a pre-K kid who, like a normal toddler, is sometimes clingy, talkative, strong willed and love saying no or "I don't know how" to even menial everyday tasks, depending on mood. Kid doesn't has any medical issues, has no screen time and does great in school in interaction with other kids. It's when the kid is back w us, the clingy behavior starts. Don't get me started on cranky behavior w hunger and sleep deprivation. Both task btw not being her favorite despite her realizing later on that she was cranky because of being hungry or other. We love her too death but by the end of the day are sometimes extremely drained and the idea of having another kid and thus doubling all this demand of effort and energy makes me shiver. How you all do it and make it seem effortless? via /r/Parenting

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