Tuesday 27 August 2019

Our son (3) wants nothing to do with his dad and it's starting to destroy our little family.

Basically, the only way my husband knows how to interact with our son is by rough housing and tickling. It's really starting to drive both my son and I insane.I can't even say how many times I've told husband to STOP TICKLING, just because son is laughing doesn't mean it isn't basically torture. Can't say how many fights we've gotten into because I've taken son out of his arms when he wouldn't stop tickling him. Husband just doesn't seem to understand why son always runs away from him or won't acknowledge when he gets home from work. It's because son knows that every single interaction he has with his dad will end with some kind of forced tickling.This is making me crazy and it's destroying all of us. I know that husband loves our son, but I can't understand why he won't stop disrespecting boundaries with him - that's not love. And I don't want son to ever think that's okay. Has anyone else had similar experiences? How do I redirect the discussion I need to have with husband away from sounding like an attack against his parenting and more towards explaining this isn't okay and it never has been? I'm at such a loss right now for how to handle this, nothing seems to be getting through to my husband. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2NDMiTV

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