Monday 25 February 2019

I want my son(10) to have a dad he can look up to, but I'm also done pretending I have my shit together.

When I was a kid all the dads acted like they were on top of everything. Whether they were traditionally masculine guys or the hippy baby boomer types, I'm not sure they ever admitted to not being able to keep their lives under control.I have discovered that I do not have my life under control and I don't want to pretend I do.My son and I discovered around the same time that we are dyslexic and have ADHD. I have had to explain to him that I can't always predict what I am going to do in certain situations, I can't read very well, and I mess up at work a lot because I can't remember things.I know I am worrying him slightly because every boy at a certain age wants to think his dad is perfect (then they flip on you and you are a complete idiot, I've heard). But I also have to help him explore ways to cope with his learning disabilities, even when I have not really coped with mine very well. via /r/Parenting

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