Sunday 27 November 2016

[RANT] Letting go

My son has been living with his dad full time for the better part of a year. This is after he was with me for the last 8 (since he was 1), including two years of his bio dad not being in the picture at all.His father decided to change the parenting plan to reflect his wishes, which nearly excludes me entirely from DS's life.I don't need legal advice. I just need to get this out.I'm okay with this. Maybe not all the time, but I'm okay with no longer fighting my ex every step of the way (he's attempted to change the parenting plan 3 other times previous, usually in correlation with a new girlfriend/wife. This is no exception). I'm okay with not having to triple check every decision and worry my ex will throw a wrench in it. I'm okay with not waiting for child support that will never come and knowing my son will get the financial support from me. I'm okay with my son being 100 miles and a quick phone call away. I'm okay with being the 'fun' parent and not having to answer every phone call from the school and drop everything because kiddo is throwing a tantrum and objects. I'm okay with not having to argue with every school official, doctor, dentist, random stranger about how my son is/needs to be cared for, treated, respected, understood. I'm okay with him getting to know his dad better. I'm okay with not being judged for having to pick up a screaming 9 year old and haul him out of a museum/store/playground. I'm even okay with being judged for letting him live with his bio dad (at his request).I'm okay right now. Because this is what my child needs. And I'm so very tired of fighting every petty, stupid, pointless argument with his dad. So, I'm letting this go. via /r/Parenting

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