Monday 28 August 2017

Daycare Employees Attitude

Hey guys, I have a question about how we should feel about daycare employees. We have one child who is a little over 5 months old. We started her in daycare probably a month ago or so. We had been touring daycares since she was born (a couple before actually) and finally found the one we really wanted in and luckily got a spot. This isn't the most expensive daycare in the area but it definitely isn't the cheapest. We felt that they were the best based on location to us, ratio of teachers to kids (the best of the places we toured) and overall "curriculum". So far, we really have liked the place. There is just one thing that has seemed kind of weird to me. The daycare teachers all seem to have this attitude about how things go in there. When we first started taking my daughter, my wife was the one taking her because she was still on maternity leave for a week or so and she would come home at night and say things like "Ms. ***** told me that we need to work on Adeline's independence. I really want to make sure we aren't making them upset at the daycare because they take care of our kid." At the time, it was semi-frustrating to me. This is our first kid. I work from home and my wife had been on maternity leave for four months. Of course we held her a lot. She wasn't a fussy baby, but i'm sure in the beginning it was a little hard for them to put her down for a nap or something. Anyway, I wrote it off and just thought, maybe they are just really direct communicators, that's fine. Since then, they have started to get more and more "direct" about things that would help make their life more easy. Today was the most frustrating one for me. We've been giving our daughter baby food for about two weeks now. We usually feed her veggies at night, then bathe her, then feed her a bottle and she goes right to bed around 8pm. In the last 4 or 5 days she has seriously regressed on her sleep schedule. It has honestly been kind of hell for us. She's waking up like 4 or 5 times a night now and just generally being harder to get back to sleep. Anyway, my wife talked to a friend who has been through this and who recommended a feeding schedule that she used to help get her baby to sleep through the night. It involves us giving the baby her normal bottle and then adding 2.5oz of baby food an hour after that for three feedings during the day. All of those happen to fall during daycare hours. So today, we measured the food out and I took it into the daycare. I knew that we needed to fill out paperwork when we decided to start having her do baby food at daycare so I immediately asked the director what I needed to fill out. She was immediately taken aback that I had said we were starting food today. She said "You really should let us know ahead of time if you plan on making this kind of change. Because now it's just kind of like BAM I have to start doing this today." That didn't sit right with me immediately. But I was still nice about it. "I'm sorry. Is there something that I need to know about it? Or something I didn't bring?" She says, "Yes. She needs to have a sippy cup with water in it each day for her food. Also, when were you thinking about having her eat food?" "Well, we wanted to start a new schedule where she eats 2.5oz of food an hour after each bottle." I could tell that this was just too much for her. She started in on how that was just way too much and that most kids would only do one real food per day. Then she had me make the schedule for the day and basically instead of giving me the choice was just like "we'll just do one feeding for today - put down what time you want us to give it to her." Then, even when I wrote the time down, she said that another baby got fed around that time so ours would have to eat later. The whole is experience had me livid. So I called my wife when I left and was going off about how insane this situation is. My wife feels completely the opposite of me. She actually felt bad about it. She was saying, as per usual, "we really don't want to piss off the daycare people because they take care of our child" as if to insinuate that someone there would mistreat or maybe not take as good of care of our child if we made them upset.Quick sidenote on my wife: her mom is an administrator in a daycare in their hometown. She has done this job for years and has pretty strong opinions on daycares and how things should be. Don't get me wrong, she is a great mother-in-law and awesome grandmother to our daughter. But some of the things she has told my wife about daycare have, in my opinion, been questionable at best. For example, she told her in the beginning when the daycare folks said that adeline needed to work on her independence that this was essentially their nice way of telling us adeline wasn't doing good and she recommended that we only take adeline for half days for a while to give the teachers a break from her and not put too much stress on them. This SEVERELY pissed me off.I guess my question is: how have you guys dealt with pushy daycare people? Or better yet, have you had to deal with it at all? I get that daycare teachers have gone through literally hundreds of kids my daughters age and probably know a lot more about schedules and what not than I do as a first time dad. I'm inclined to listen to suggestions, but that's it. Suggestions. I don't want hard advice from someone I literally barely know about how to raise my child. And I especially don't want them to be rude about it when it is literally their job to take care of my child. The hard thing about this is, I know that this daycare in particular has a pretty long waitlist to get in. We got very lucky in being accepted. I'm sensing that they probably have no qualms with pissing off parents because if I quit tomorrow, they would have someone filling the spot the next day. They literally wouldn't even miss a day of payments. So how would you all approach this? Also, I can already tell that i'm probably going to lose my mind on teachers when my kid is in school. What is the appropriate attitude to use when dealing with seemingly overreaching teachers/administrators/whoever in your childs life?TL;DR: Daycare teacher is being a dick about the (seemingly normal) things i'm asking her to do for my daughter. How should I respond? via /r/Parenting

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