Thursday, 21 June 2018

Requesting dad to have more time with kids. Am I asking too much?

We have two kids 6 & 4. Normally he takes them every other weekend. We’ve done this for almost 4 years. (We separated while I was pregnant. A whole other story) Anyway, he finally decided to help some more during summer and take them one week of the month until they go back to school and three weekends instead of two.Honestly this has been the best week I’ve had in a long time. I work from home and it’s been really difficult managing work and the kids. I also feel sort of guilty that I don’t miss them. I just enjoy my alone time and quiet home while they’re away. I also am able to get so much more done.We also recently had something change in child support and he’s requesting to pay less, which I don’t mind since I didn’t make the increase request. He wants to go to court and I received paperwork for a date. Should I try and request for him take them more often like every weekend or three weekends out of the month once they’re back in school. I don’t wanna feel like I’m asking too much but it’s so stressful being the only one disciplining them while he gets to be fun dad every other weekend. Plus they enjoy going to his house since they have more kids to play with.Idk honestly is every weekend asking too much? I spend time with them during the week every day and they’re always with me otherwise.Also I can change my schedule to work weekends if I’d like so I can spend time with them during the week instead and get more work done on the weekend alone. via /r/Parenting

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