Friday, 29 June 2018

To you mothers who raise our children during the week, and send them to us Dads on the weekend....

To those who think that we fathers are the 'fun parents', the ones who entertain, who do special things that you can't with your busy lives.To those who hear the stories of the adventures with dad, who hear the children say "we want to stay at daddy's", or even the occasional "Why can't you [insert anything] like we do with daddy?"Hear this.We would gladly trade places with you.We would give anything to experience the nuances of our children's lives. To heal their wounds, to hold them when they cry, to nurse them when they're sick, to wake up to them every morning, to make them breakfast and curl up with them on the couch to watch another bad kids flick.We missed the first time they rode a bike without falling, the first time they we broken over a crush.We don't know all their friends, we don't get to make them lunch for school and see them off. We don't hear their small thoughts and fears.We are 'fun dads' because the minute we stop, they miss you - their rock, their home. We hear things like "Really? we're just going to stay home?" or "If we're not doing anything fun, can I just go home, or to a friends house?""Home". Home is where you are. We're 'Daddys house".We're just trying to milk every moment we have with them for as long as possible, because, while you get to watch their lives unfold at normal speed, we're watching it in fast forward. We try to understand the plot of their stories, but we never get the full picture.Take a moment to step outside your bubble, to look inward at your life. Then compare, look at it from our perspectives. And maybe you'll appreciate all you have, and be a little more forgiving of them and us. via /r/Parenting

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