Sunday, 24 June 2018

Anyone's kids watch Blaze? My kids identify with Crusher, and it's frustrating and hilarious.

Crusher is the bad guy who always cheats to try to win, but never wins, because the other characters use teamwork and perseverance. My 7yo is a little narcissist who also wants to win at all costs. We try to tell him to be like Blaze instead of Crusher, and he basically argues that Crusher is the sympathetic character and Blaze is the cheater.He argues that Blaze always uses Blazing Speed to win, and it's an unfair advantage. That's a good point, but we counter that all the trucks have their own special powers. So he says yeah, and Crusher's special power is his toolbox full of cheating tools, so it's all he's got, and he has to use them if he wants a fighting chance.Honestly I think he has us beaten in this argument, and it's hilarious because our lesson is backfiring. I guess we need to use another show to try to teach him ethics and morality. via /r/Parenting

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