Saturday, 30 June 2018

I think I regret having children.

I had always wanted a baby of my own. As a boy, I would ask my mom to give me a baby sister. When I finally learned how it worked, I looked forward to the day I would have my own baby.When my wife and I decided to try for a child, I was excited. When our first child was born, I cried when the nurse put him in my arms. I loved that child with every inch of my being. We had our second child about 3 years later and it was the same feeling. I enjoyed watching our oldest read and share with his sibling. They played and sang and were sweet and cute and...And then it started...I always that they would grow up. I knew there would be difficult days... Difficult months... But years? I don't want to run down my kids but it's a constant battle over practically everything. If they aren't fighting with us, they're fighting with themselves. Soon I fear it will start with others. Again, I wasn't expecting a picnic but the resistance to support and direction frustrates me. They don't want to problem solve. They rarely want to compromise or listen to reason. I know they are kids but I can honestly say without a doubt that I did NOT say or do a tenth of what these two have said and done at their ages in comparison to my entire time living with my parents. They just make poor choice after poor choice and no amount of patience or support or conversation or time outs or etc.So... Today has been rough... And I'm really starting to believe that my ever-increasing feeling of regret is real... and here to stay. It doesn't help being a teacher. You'd assume that I would have better control of my kids but I don't. I'm surrounded by children ALL the time from sunrise to sunset and it's beginning to take its toll on my spirit.I hope and pray that this is a phase like many people tell me; that it will pass and things will get better. I've been watching old videos of them as babies to remind me who they use to be... and I think it's helping me remember that they're still babies at heart... But I'm tired and broken and this feeling of regret is not good for the long run.Just a sad rant. Thanks for reading. via /r/Parenting

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