Saturday, 30 June 2018

How to deal with a sore loser?

For years now, my son has been been a sore loser. When he was 3, I figured it was a phase that he would grow out of. I talked to him about it, gave encouragement, and made sure to always set a positive example when I was the one losing. This "phase" has lasted 4 years, and it's just getting worse.Trying to do ANYTHING with my kid is just so god damn miserable. Want to try something new? Video game? Board game? Card game? Sports? Build something? A game of tag or hide & and seek? Any fun activity at all? Playing with the family or with other kids? He better win, and not only that, he better win EXACTLY how he wants to. I can't even LET him win sometimes. Move a checker so that he can double jump and king himself? "THAT'S NOT FAIR I WANTED TO JUMP THAT PIECE YOU'RE MEAN YOU'RE A CHEATER I HATE THIS GAME!" He's always so friendly and well-behaved in just about anything else, but the second there's potential for a "winner and loser", you're in for a nightmare.These days, it feels like I'm just walking on eggshells in order to make sure we don't do anything where you can "lose", but this feels like avoiding the problem rather than solving it... And it's something that REALLY needs to be solved. It's killed his relationship with many of his friends, and I feel like it's hurting our relationship as well. Does anyone have experience with this? What can I be doing better, or what new things can I try? via /r/Parenting

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