Saturday, 30 June 2018

Reassure me I'll survive my 2 week old newborn

Ugh, baby #2. My first was a screamy colicky no sleeping beast. I prayed to the gods I'd get an easier baby this time. So far newbie seems a bit more content, but we also haven't gotten into the thick of colic. He definitely doesn't sleep.I just hate this phase so much, and I feel terrible about it. I guess it's PPD, and yes I have talked with my doc. But I don't feel depressed, really, I just really don't like this part. And to be honest, I don't see how anyone could really?? Is this as hard for everyone else as it is for me? I feel like such a basket case.The 24/7 nursing, not knowing if he's cluster feeding, hungry, or just tired and needing comfort. My weird milk boobs and huge nips. Trying to fit pumping in to build a stash. Doing the rain dance for one single nap that's not on me so I can shower. Nights are absolute misery. He gives me one 2-3hr stretch in the beginning, then it's colicky, gassy, screamy, squirmy, grunty on and off nursing, sleeping on my chest, delirium for the rest of the night. I'd give anything to have a baby that just wakes up to eat every two hours and goes back down.My husband is supportive and helps, but he works and then he's busy with our 2.5yo boy. He relieves me for 2-3hrs each night so I can get some sleep.I don't even know where I'm going with this. I'm so tired and feeling sorry for myself. At least this time I know it gets better. But these first few months are so damn hard.Any positive juju or reassurance would be much appreciated... via /r/Parenting

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