My husband’s 4 year old nephew recently moved in with us and a problem I’m having is that he seems to not know how to entertain himself. I work from home so I spend maybe 5-6 hours daily in front of the computer and this child would literally just sit there next to me doing absolutely nothing all day if I allowed him to. No playing, drawing, running in circles, nothing. Just sitting in a chair staring at the wall. When I tell him that he can’t just sit doing nothing all day and that he needs to go and find some toys to play with, he reacts as if I told him to go scrub all the toilets. Cartoons do keep him entertained but where we live, cartoons only come on for an hour or 2 per day. Is it unreasonable to expect a soon-to-be 5 year old to know how to play quietly alone or is it mean to send him away to go play? Is it normal for a child this age to refuse to just go and play for an hour or so without being forced to go? If this is not normal, what could be the issue? via /r/Parenting
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