Saturday, 30 June 2018

Confession: I'm jealous of your families

I'll probably get crucified for this, but screw it, I've never let these words out...My husband and I have one child. He is the love of my life and he's 5 years old. He has autism, completely non verbal, diagnosed moderately/severely autistic. More importantly, he's the most lovable, happy, silly, little boy, and I wouldn't change him for the world.With that said, there are times that I walk by families and see their children telling their Mom that they love them, or see posts on social media about all the amazing milestones their kiddos are achieving, and it destroys me a little inside. My son still is in diapers. I've never heard him say "Mama". He may live with us until we pass away. I worry about what happens after that. I don't care about his career or college degree, but I care that he may never be able to prepare himself a meal.I see posts from autistic adults saying how horrible parents of autistic children are to talk about their feelings like this. Isn't it normal for a parent to worry and feel sad?I know everything happens for a reason, but sometimes I wish our child wasn't born with this path. Every day is a fight for services, an IEP that is fair, proper health insurance reimbursements. It's never ending and it's exhausting. I'm exhausted. Thanks for reading this - if you got this far. via /r/Parenting

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