Wednesday, 27 June 2018

My wife spoils and treats her son like an emperor

He is the most spoiled child I have ever seen, she often puts him in a position where he feels it is ok to challenge my authority. An example of this is when he throws a tantrum, acts disrespectful etc. I ground him and tell him to go to his room, my wife ungrounds him, she does the opposite! I tell him he can play video games just 2 hours a day, and she lets him play longer, all day long.He is 7 years old, can't dress himself at all, he doesn't know how to put on a jacket, he can't tie his shoelaces, he can't even put his socks on. I have tried to teach him but he just refuses to learn because he knows mommy will do it all for him and I have talked to her about this but she just shoves it aside like she never heard me.My wife behaves like his servant, she does whatever he asks, feeds him whatever he wants, not what's at the table. He sometimes hits me when things do not go his way and doesn't let me discipline him for it, she defends him if I raise my voice, she doesn't even ground him when he hits her, instead she just goes with him to his room and they watch a movie together. He doesn't even want to sleep alone, she lays next to him and if she is not with him he yells "mom" outloud over and over until she comes and lays in bed next to him.I'm at a point right now where I just don't know what to do. I am trying to teach him what discipline is but whatever progress I make, she undoes it. I need alot of advise on this please. via /r/Parenting

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