Saturday, 23 June 2018

Mother in law’s untreated mental illness

I’m struggling to know what to do. I can’t let her continue coming over in her aggravated state.She has some kind of mental illness. These are things we struggle in dealing with: -she’ll say really upsetting things like “you’re grandpa(her husband) doesn’t care about anyone, he’s abusive and he’s probably a pedophile” around the kids. -she has no problems screaming at the top of her lungs at people -a lot of her outbursts are unprovoked -she’s constantly trying to make my husband and I seem like abusive parents - she is homeless by choice but blames everyone else for not getting a home -she does not keep up on personal hygiene and she smells like an infection(not trying to insult, she just really smells a rotting meat or and infected wound) -she’s constantly coming over uninvited -she’s circled our house before just yelling trying to find a way in to “talk”She is not the type of person to respect restraining orders and I know that once I start calling the cops on her I’ll put a lot of tension between my husband and his dad(absolutely hates cops and thinks we overreact about his wife’s behavior).But my husband is also reaching the point of just being really irritated with his family and feels uncomfortable with them around the kids.I’ve already given her an ultimatum of her help or you won’t get to come over. She just thinks it’s a conspiracy to lock her away so she ignores it.I don’t know what to do. She comes over upset and my 4yr old son tries to comfort her but then she starts yelling about how horrible people are and my son starts crying because he thinks she’s yelling at him. He loves grandma and doesn’t like seeing her upset. He gets so excited when he sees her because when she’s in a good mood she’s playful and kind and loving.Maybe I just need to get restraining order and accept that I’ve lost that trust from my husband’s family. It’s just hard because most of mine moved away and his family was the only help I had.Anyone else with a similar struggle?Thanks for reading. via /r/Parenting

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