Thursday, 28 June 2018

Last night, my husband said he's "open" to the idea of a second child. I don't feel the same way.

Our mantra has always been, "don't even think about it until our daughter is 1."Well, she's 1! And my husband says that he's getting more interested in having another now that we're officially out of the baby phase. I feel like I'm moving more towards wanting to be one and done, growing stronger all the time.Our daughter is fantastic and easy, the light of both of our lives. But I feel like our family is complete. I had a terrible pregnancy and would be at extreme high risk for recurrent preeclampsia with another one. My postpartum period was equally bad; I was in pain for over 12 weeks. I'm still 10-15lbs overweight and have only recently felt like I've started to reclaim my body, in both form and function (I was athletic before I was pregnant). I have zero desire to go through the newborn phase again. I want to keep traveling, which I don't think we could afford with two kids. I don't think I have it in me to be a SAHM for more than another year or so, and want to be able to focus on my writing career again. When I picture the next 5, 10, 15 years of my life, I only see my daughter. Another child doesn't factor in at all, even in a wistful, possible, ghost-ship-that-didn't-carry-us way.Overall, I just feel like I'm happy and settled. I don't see us adding more to our family and I definitely don't see myself going through pregnancy again. My husband isn't really open to adoption (something I would consider much further down the road), so it seems like this is where we're at. But obviously I don't want to hurt or deeply disappoint my husband. We are a partnership and neither of our preferences exist in a vacuum. I know the question of how many children can be a major source of strife, so I want to handle it well.I told him that I wasn't feeling the same way and to his credit, he took it in stride. He agrees that we both need to be enthusiastic about the possibility of another before moving forward. But he basically said we could shelve the conversation, which makes me think he thinks/assumes/hopes my answer will be different in another 6-12 months...and I really don't see that happening.As an additional sticking point, his family is visiting and they put enormous amounts of pressure on us to have more. They won't be happy unless we have 3+ kids. They think only children are spoiled and strange, and the parents of only children are selfish and trying to "have their cake and eat it too." Not sure what that means they think about me (an only child) and my upbringing, but like they say: don't ask questions when you don't want to know the answer. So part of me thinks their influence is taking a toll right now, but I also don't want to dismiss my husband's feelings as illegitimate anymore than I want him to dismiss mine.Any experiences in this area or ideas for how to tackle it in a loving way would be appreciated. TIA. via /r/Parenting

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