i have a 16.5 month old who has been a very calm and happy baby. Since he started talking and walking and realised he has his own wants/needs and is willing to show his independence (of course normal for his developmental stage), he has had us dancing to his tune. We try to be firm without being harsh but nothing seems to work.When having breakfast for instance, while happily eating something he sees for example strawberries that he loves, he starts screaming for them till he gets them. He would just scream "strawberry" on and on until he gets it. And he will throw anything in his sight including his cup and food to express his frustration. I understand that these might be normal toddler behaviour for his developmental stage but it is hard, frustrating and mentally draining to deal with several times a day. I often say no and don't give in depending on the situation. I let him have his meltdown and explain or talk to him calmly and lovingly after, or distract him. But he will still throw things or scream at another instance in a similar situation.He even does things on purpose when he knows he shouldn't, for example he knows that having/throwing my glasses(spectacles) or phone are out of question, so he throws them ifever he happens to get his hands on them, despite most of the time managing to keep them away. He then laughs and runs away and if I ask him not to do it. He knows I am not OK with him throwing his cup for example but still does it on purpose, often watching for my reaction after. I try to respond in all the ways possible-calmly, getting down to his level, being firm or raising my voice a bit etc he will still do it, sometimes picking the item he just threw and throw it again. Ignoring the behaviour in that moment sometimes makes it die down at that time but he has this same behaviour the next time there is a similar circumstance. We are not OK with being strict authoritarian parents. We want to enforce positive discipline in a loving way but have no idea how to deal with such situations. Sometimes I end up screaming as a reaction to, for example, him throwing and breaking the remote and feel bad after.He often does this in public as well which is embarrassing and frustrating as well.Any tips to manage this? How have you dealt in such situations?Thank you!<3 <3 via /r/Parenting https://www.reddit.com/r/Parenting/comments/8uih0n/toddler_screams_for_what_he_wants_throws_things/?utm_source=ifttt
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