Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Please celebrate with me? Kiddo ate his whole meal including broccoli!!!

Sorry, I just want to celebrate, but don’t know who else to celebrate with. My five year old son is the pickiest child I have ever known. I think I’ve mentioned this on this sub before, but my 10 year old had me spoiled, because even as a toddler he would eat pretty much whatever you put in front of him. Smugly but naively, I put this down to my pro-level parenting. “Why are people complaining about their kids being picky eaters? Just introduce the kids to a lot of different foods, be sure and always make one thing they know they like in the meal, and refuse to be a short order cook and make them a separate meal. How simple!"Hahahahahaha. I was the worst and karma had it in for me but good. Despite all my theories, my five year old spent his first four + years (after he started eating solids) refusing to eat almost anything. He had a list of like 5 things he would eat, and no amount of persuasion or threats or rewards or even trying to starve him out or ANYTHING could make him agree to try anything else. And even when I always made him the things he liked, he would still eat just a few bites and be done. I don’t know how he survived on a couple of mouthfuls each meal, but somehow he has. Although he has been classified as “underweight” by his pediatrician for years. With me explaining repeatedly “I offer him food, he just refuses to eat!!!” for years.This summer, two things happened.1) He finally seems to be more open to trying foods that he hasn’t tried before.2) We enrolled him in swim lessons, and that seems to make him ravenously hungry for the first time in his life. For the first time ever he’s complaining about being hungry.And tonight, I think literally for the first time ever, he finished his entire meal (half a pork chop to start, plus some rice and broccoli) and even asked for seconds. Then later tonight he asked for popcorn, which I let him have, because HE’S EATING.So celebrate with me, please? He’s eating. HE’S EATING.He still currently looks like he’s made of tinker toys. via /r/Parenting

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