Friday, 27 July 2018

Kids perspective vs parents

It’s over 100 degrees here and my youngest had a migraine (5f) today and puked all over the car. And I mean ALL over the floorboard of the van, her sisters leg, herself, car seat, and all way up to by my feet. And my son was in the back dry heaving because he’s a sympathy puker. I just felt awful for her and was slightly mad at myself because I know she pukes with migraines and I didn’t think to give her a sick bag. I keep a stash of sick bags in my glove compartment and I highly recommend to anyone to grab a few each time you visit the pedi. They usually are happy to give you some if you ask. Another tip is to keep fresh wipes and plastic bags somewhere in the car no matter how old your kids get. I got to wipe up puke while baking in the full sun and heat of the day trying to get it all up. Once we got home I went back out with cleaning supplies and really scrubbed the floorboard and seats. Now my van is airing out with the doors open after being doused with Lysol. But before we got home and I was trying to get the worse of the puke up my oldest (who had puke down her own leg) cheerfully said, “At least you cleaned and vacuumed the car out yesterday.” At the same exact time I was thinking, “And I vacuumed the car out yesterday!” in a not so cheery voice! It made me actually laughed when I realized how different our perspective was about the same situation. via /r/Parenting

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