Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Always trust your instincts

My daughter is recovering right now from a procedure to remove a Pilonidal Cyst. She went from being seemingly fine to unable to walk in a matter of days. I checked her out and found a large area around her tailbone red, very swollen and hot to the touch. I rushed her in that same day to her pediatrician but instead of relieved I became immediately concerned with how confused the doctor looked when observing the area. She didn't seem to know what she was looking at. She excuses herself then left us in the room for over 30mins to get the opinion of another Dr. Red lights were going off in my mind at that point. She came back in, assured me its just a cyst that would be fine and would heal on its own. She sent us home with a bottle of antibiotics and advised me to have her take some hot baths for a week. On the "off chance" that it got worse I could then go ahead and call pediatric surgery myself to get it drained.I took my kid home but terribly uneasy. By the next day she had a high fever that wouldn't break with medication was lethargic and the area on her tailbone had grow significantly. I called the doctor, she assured me it would be fine, I called the pediatric surgeon they told me there were no appointments until the end of next week. Finally I called the advice nurse who actually listened and was very concerned especially in regards to the temperature. She placed me on hold to talk to the ER surgeon directly when she got back on the phone she said "He said to bring her in right now."We rushed out, the staff was already waiting for us. The surgeon was absolutely amazing with impeccable bedside manner. The surgery to drain this thing was not easy on my daughter. Even with medication it was a painful process. But he kept up the humor and made the whole gross procedure easier for everyone. Afterwards he told me he was glad we came in, the infection had spread to nearby tissue and could have gotten so much worse. From check in to check out we were there for under 3 hours. I am so greatful to the advice nurse and incredible ER staff.This is just a reminder to everyone to trust your instincts and don't take no for an answer if you know something is wrong with your child. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2LHXZcr

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