Saturday, 28 July 2018

I said I was sorry!

So my 3 year old daughter seems to have trouble recognizing that just because you say sorry doesn’t mean you don’t get punished for your behavior. Tonight I was on the phone with my grandmother and she kept yelling and interrupting me, after being asked to go to the other room or be quiet for me to have a five minute conversation. She then sits quietly on my lap and is holding my hand and kissing it (weird habit she has)...then all of the sudden she just bites down hard! She has never been a biter and she dang near made me bleed! I immediately put her down and told her to go to the timeout step while I wrapped up my conversation. When I got off the phone I went and got down on her level and asked her why she bit me and explained that teeth are only for food etc. she did the whole “I’m really sorry mommy” and gave me a hug. I then went back to the kitchen to continue my baking, something she loves to help with, and she followed asking what she could do. I explained to her that since she has been misbehaving this afternoon and bit me this evening that she would not be allowed to help in the kitchen tonight and that she needed to find something else to do by herself. This results in endless pouting and crying “but I said I’m sorry mommy!!!” I explained that I understand that she’s sorry, but when she acts poorly she won’t be allowed to help me. Same results, over and over and over. How do I get thru to her that sorry isn’t enough when you continue bad behavior after you say it? Is it just a need for repetition or is there some other way to get thru to her? via /r/Parenting

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