Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Dealing with the 'talk all day at high volume' kid.

For those of us who have kids who really like to talk a lot, and do so at mega volume, how do you handle it?My daughter is five now and this does seem to just be an aspect of her personality. The girl loves to vocalize, and if she isn't actually talking she is humming, singing, making play animal and vehicle noises. It is massively rare for her not to be vocalizing in some fashion.It doesn't help that she also has the ability to PROJECT like she is trying to reach the back of the auditorium, meanwhile she is six inches from my face. Me as a person, I am just super sensitive to loud noises. They cut through me and cause actual pain and make me essentially shut down. I know it isn't healthy for me to be subjected to this all the time and certainly isn't good for our relationship.At times it is so continuous and loud that it literally makes my ears ring. Sometimes even if I try just ignoring it, it suddenly becomes so overwhelming that it's all I can focus on and I tell her my ears are full, that she needs to be quiet or take the noise elsewhere.The follow through is minimal on such a request though, and she will either be back in a matter of moments or just being equally as loud from an extra ten to twenty feet away.I don't believe there is anything wrong here, she is able to control it when necessary, never have had a complaint from school that she can't zip it during story time or anything like that. But her level of norm is just to be making noises, all day, all the time, generally at ear piercing volume.Tips? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2n1NrpH

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