Saturday, 28 July 2018

Major anxiety about baby getting herpes virus

My mother has a mark on her lip that she says is from when she went scuba diving 20 years ago and got a piece of coral stuck in it. It “flairs” up every now and again and at the moment it is visible. I think it looks like a cold sore. I have a 5.5 month old son and every time she sees him she smothers him in kisses. I’m a bit of a germaphobe anyway but I said to her that while she had that thing on her lip I’d rather if she didn’t kiss him. She got so angry in front of other family too, and basically rolled her eyes/gave me the silent treatment for days. I had already brought this up privately beforehand and she still went ahead and kissed him anyway. I felt so bad that I had hurt her, but it gives me BIG anxiety that if it’s a cold sore my son will get it and we all know that it’s very dangerous for babies to get the herpes virus. Well, today she came over and she is showering him in kisses again. I noticed that she still has a mark on her lip. It’s been about 2-3 weeks since the first incident - would a cold sore be around that long? I got very anxious and she kept on asking me what was wrong. I was afraid to bring it up again because of how mad she got last time. I let her hold the baby while I did some tidying up and all I can hear is her kissing the baby all over his face. I went back into the room and tried to say casually, “so you still have that thing on your lip, huh?” . She said sarcastically “yes it’s always there” (it’s not). And then she said to the baby “mummy thinks I’m germy”. Ugh. I’ve already told her that it makes me really anxious. I’ve told her how dangerous it is to babies. Why does she keep on doing it? I feel like she doesn’t respect me as an adult or a mother. I washed my babies’ face with a washer when she left but I still feel really anxious. 😢 Am I overreacting? I feel like she’s gone away feeling bad again and that just makes me feel terrible, but I wish she’d just listen.tldr anxious about my mother kissing my baby with a mark on her lip that she denies is a cold sore. via /r/Parenting

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