Monday, 30 July 2018

Delayed development for Premature daughter. Just after some advice/support.

Hi All,Just after some support/advice especially from those who have premature kids or similar circumstances.My wife and I have two kids. A 3 year old boy (born 5 weeks prem but has fully caught up and excelling) and a 13.5 month old (11 months corrective) daughter who was born 10 weeks early. During the 8 weeks we had in the NICU, my daughter had no health concerns at all (she didn't even need CPAP at all) and the only reason she stayed so long in the NICU was learning to feed on her own. The Dr's had zero concern with her and she passed all her tests no worries at all.Fast forward 12 months and her Cognitive development is fantastic, she eats well, talks well, sleeps well. She is social and an easy kid in a lot of ways. The only area of concern our Maternal health nurse has is her low muscle tone in her legs. She hasn't learnt to crawl properly, but she is commando crawling on her belly (has done so since 8 months of ago) and continues to do so. She has movement and some strength in her legs and will use her legs when she wants to. But she refuses to hold her weight if we stand her up on our laps. Her upper body is very strong, as is her neck. But her legs are way behind the rest of her bodies development. We have had our first session with a pediatric physio and whilst she recognizes our daughter is behind, she isn't too concerned and has given us exercises to do. But today we had another check up with the hospitals pediatrician (who conducted some tests) and she brought up cerebral palsy into the conversation and although indicated the chances are our daughter doesn't have it, there are still some signs that it could be that. I am a bit emotional today and just wanted to speak to some parents who have experiences these types of developmental delays and how they improved or overcame them.Thanks everyone.edit: Spelling and grammar. via /r/Parenting

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