Saturday, 28 July 2018

When did you begin to let your child go without constant direct supervision?

I just feel the need to take a poll. I see some posts on here like "I haven't gone to the bathroom alone in seven years" and "my five year old stares at me 24/7" and "my three year old won't let me breathe."It makes me start to feel like... maybe I'm a neglectful parent? I mean I meet all of my daughter's life needs, I think, she is fed, educated, loved, played with, not every minute of the day.. but she is 5 now and since mid age 3 she has spent long stretches of time, up to a couple of hours at a go without my eyes directly on her for every minute.I'd be working at my desk in the kitchen right around the corner, she would come in and show me this or that or ask for a drink or call for help wiping, but she wasn't in constant eyeshot and I didn't really even give this a second thought.I figured from observing her enough that at age three she had enough self preservation not to do anything reckless and that's been pretty accurate, the most wild thing she ever did was pull all the cushions off the couch and make a nest.At age five, she will be in her room playing alone for hours at a go and I will only see her intermittently when she comes through to go to the bathroom or get a drink. Im doing my thing, she's doing hers, we interact in passing if we aren't doing a shared activity."What're you doing in there kiddo?" "Playing magnet tiles and making an animal zoo, what are you doing?" "Doing work, want X for lunch?" "Sure and can we do X after lunch?" Like she's a full out person now, her own interests and plans and all.But to see parents of 7 year olds concerned about what crisis could happen when they're taking a five minute bathroom break, it makes me take a step back. I shower with the door open for safety to hear if the shit somehow hits the fan and she starts wailing, it's never actually happened, but I also have a strict 'take a hike' policy of I will not be stared at while I shower, shave or do any other bathroom activity. My daughter also will say 'privacy' if you come around the corner and catch her in the bathroom.Maybe it boils down to different strokes for different folks but I'm just curious where most people fall on the scale here. I love this board but it makes me doubt myself sometimes. I was essentially raised by wolves so parenting in general is by the seat of my pants. I've always just aimed to treat my daughter like a respected person and expect the same in return. via /r/Parenting

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