Monday, 30 July 2018

Upset about “Guy’s weekend” (a rant)

So over a year ago my husbands buddies were talking about taking a weekend guy’s trip. I told my husband then that I’m not really okay with him taking a weekend away and he told me it would never actually happen.. well, they leave in a few weeks for a guy’s camping trip and I just get more and more upset the closer we get to it.A little history...I’m a SAHM to two kids, ages 6 & 2. I also work about four hours a week while my husband works 4-10 hour days and goes to school on Mondays and the evenings I work. By the end of the week, I’m exhausted by the kids and I need him to be home to recover my sanity. We’ve been together over a decade and never have either of us gone on a trip away without the other one and only once without a kid.So, they’re leaving on a Saturday morning at 6am apparently. They won’t be home until sometime Monday. That means I will have the kids all week per usual then the entire weekend then basically the whole week again. I’ve tried telling him that I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it on my own. His only solution is to take off the Friday to kinda help with the kids before he leaves..I know a signifiant amount of people on here have spouses that travel. And I know that a lot of people often take “guys or girls” weekends away. But this has never happened and it will never ever be reciprocated. I have no friends to go anywhere with because I’m an introvert and my family is too far away to really visit without spending a ton of money which we don’t have.I’m just upset and I have no one to talk to. I tried discussing it with my husbands friends wives and they seem totally cool with it. One because she’s super mom apparently and the other has a lot of family to take the kids that weekend. One of the moms even told her husband about it who then proceeded to text my husband about me bitching about it. This particular one was actually supposed to be a friend of mine but apparently not.I’ll prolly delete this in the morning because I’m sure I’ll get a lot of hate for it. And because I’m terrified of this being used against me again but I just needed to get it out.. thanks for reading if you made it to the end... via /r/Parenting

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