Tuesday, 31 July 2018

4-year-old can NOT stop hurting his 1-year-old brother

Two boys, exactly three years apart. The older one has never been especially loving with his brother, though he does express it occasionally. Far more often though he treats him like a toy, roughhousing constantly, running past him and pushing him down, covering him with a blanket, rolling all over him, jumping on him, etc.I’ve been consistent with time outs, along with many (MANY) conversations about not hurting and treating others how we would want to be treated. But things just keep getting worseWe’ve been cooped up on rainy days today and yesterday, and it’s like he can’t stop himself. No matter how mad I get, or how upset he is, or long time outs lasts, or how many times he says “I need to be nice to my brother,” he cannot keep his hands off of him, and it always ends in tears.I’m reaching the end of my rope, and just spanked the 4-year-old for the first time ever after he literally kicked the baby in the head and sent him tumbling backwards off the couch. Obviously not the right way to teach, and I apologized to him once I’d calmed down. But fifteen minutes later he’s right back in his room after slamming his brother’s head into the side of the couch.I seriously need help. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2OwXrEg

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