Sunday, 29 July 2018

Thank you to non judgmental parents out there.

My 2.5 year old son tripped and face planted into the stairs at the playground on his way to a slide, he was wearing sunglasses and they cut his face by his eyebrows. I was going to the other end of the slide to meet him when he came down and didn’t see what happened but ran around to get him when I heard him cry, not knowing the extent of his injuries. I grabbed him and saw blood, lots of it. In his eyes, filling up in his mouth, all down his face. I panicked.I picked him up and ran with him back to our group (we were at a bday party), screaming for my husband. My husband grabbed him and instantly went into action addressing his injuries, many others at the party sprang into action as well bringing first aid kits, cleaning his face, calming him down. My good friend came to me and held me and calmed me down, I was shaking and crying. I was instantly ashamed and embarrassed at my lack of being able to take care of my own son because I was too upset myself. I worried what the other parents would think of me, but totally felt I deserved any negative judgement from them.After about 10 seconds of this I went over to my son and he was ok, just had two cuts in his brow line. I learned that area of the face is vascular and bleeds A LOT. My son was calm, although a little upset, and I was thanking everyone up and down for taking such great care of him.No one had even a shitty look my way, they were comforting and caring for me and my husband too! All these parents I’ve never met before the party. It made me feel so much better (although I’m still ashamed of not being able to get my shit together when my son needed me).Thank you to all of you folks who are understanding and kind, who take action when others can’t and don’t judge or shame. You are so important and appreciated!Kiddo is ok, he was a trooper at urgent care! He was a fine example of remaining calm under scary and stressful situations. A great balance to worrier mom. :) via /r/Parenting

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