Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Give the kid all the credit?

My 8 year old daughter and I work on many fun projects together, from sewing doll clothes to cooking and baking to making home decorations and building popsicle stick masterpieces.My question is how much credit should I allow her to take before it's too much?Often if she takes the lead on a project I'll tell everyone how great she did and look what she did. If she did what she could but I had to take on a lot of the work because it was not age or skill appropriate for her I'll say we did it, and praise her contributions. If I did the project with very minimal help from her (handing me tools for instance) because either it was far too difficult or she got bored and wandered away I'll say she was such a big helper on this project or that she enjoyed helping a bit.My problem/question is, should I be correcting her when she takes full credit for projects she barely touched? I'm not in it for the glory of a silly art project, but I worry about fostering a bad habit of her being untruthful to make herself look good, and allowing her motivation to be praise for the finished project, not her actual work and effort. Especially when asked if she did it by herself, if she thinks I'm not able to hear, she will say yes.As of right now it goes something like this. Daughter: Look dad I made my doll a dress. Me: (daughter) was a big help and did a very good job picking out the fabric!We know that she has some attachment issues from abandonment when she was younger which causes her to demand constant attention and praise, so we know why and she is in therapy, but have any other parents tackled this? via /r/Parenting

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