Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Fever and pointing to diaper

My daughter is 2. Two days ago she started with a fever and whining while pointing to her diaper. Sometimes the diaper is wet, sometimes it’s not. She kept wanting me to put diaper cream on her. But she has no visible rash. Brought her to urgent care because I was concerned it was a uti. On the way there she threw up.Urgent care said UTIs are rare in children and to get a Urine sample she would need to be cath’d. When the nurse took off her diaper to look down there my daughter was whining. But later on she peed and let me change her diaper and didn’t make a fuss. We left and decided to wait to see how things went.The next day I called her doctor and the nurse said to see if her temp goes up (it was 100) or if she gets worse. Her temp went up to 102 so we went in. My daughter was pretty much laying on top of me, she felt miserable. They gave her Motrin, she started to feel better. The dr said it was probably a viral infection. While being on the Motrin she didn’t fuss with her diaper at all. She was fine the rest of the night, ate and drank no problem.This morning she had a slight fever and again fussed with her diaper. I gave her Motrin, she was great the whole day until this evening when she got warm again and started fussing with her diaper and asking for diaper cream. I gave her Motrin and plan on calling he dr back tomorrow.Now, I don’t think UTIs can be helped with Motrin. I’m thinking it’s irritation with her urethra but have no idea why she has a fever. Anyone have any experience with this? via /r/Parenting

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