So, this will be long. I’ll add a TL:DR..I’ll try and be concise.My husband (we’ll call him Ted) and I have been together for over 12 years. We have a 2.5 year old lil guy. Ted has been pretty incredible in all ways. He is a kind, thoughtful, respectful and responsible man.Always been the best thing in my life. But I’m learning he does have a serious shortcoming when it’s come to child rearing.He has zero patience. He goes from 0-60 on the anger scale as soon as anything goes awry according to him.I had very rarely seen this side of him in our relationship prior to the kid being born. He just never really got mad, we vary rarely fought and it was always able to be dealt with fairly amicably. No screaming or stomping or anything.However, now it seems his anger is all the time with everything. It’s like he’s on edge around our son with most things. He flips out. Sometimes screams. Then stomps off. I’m assuming he’s sulking for a bit or just processing. Then returns all grumpy and salty about everything.I’ve talked about this with him numerous times. He seems interested when we talk and does alter his behavior but inevitably his wrath returns.It’s been about 2years if this. I’m exhausted and have very little desire to have another conversation with him about it.I feel like a lot of this is due to a couple things... him having too high expectations for our kid, He is a true introvert and doesn’t deal well with situations where things are unexpected, and his coping strategy isn’t developed enough in a good way to deal with the two former issues.I’m in need of advice. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t really know what to do next. Marriage councilor? Take the kid and leave? Me only leave? Is that too extreme? Ugh. I just don’t Husband is a rage grump and doesn’t seem able to change his behavior after many conversations. Need advice. via /r/Parenting
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