Saturday, 1 October 2016

15 month old started shaking and screaming right before bedtime. Please tell me this is normal?

Hi,the complete story is that it was his bedtime and we put him on the potty, and turned on couple of short cartoons for him to watch. We haven't played these particular cartoons in forever, but my husband played the same for him today after his nap time. So, he was just sitting there, when all of a sudden ( right as the new cartoon started, with a man's deep voice, saying something along the lines of tra-la-la-laa) his face had this terrified expression, his hands then began to shake and he began to scream as if someone was about to kill him!! It was HORRIBLE to watch!! We immediately picked him up, he calmed down, and as I was getting him ready for bed, I noticed that he still looked a bit lost and shook for a couple more seconds. It also took a bit longer for me to put him to sleep than usual. Is this normal? About 3 weeks ago, he woke up screaming with the same intensity as tonight, and I was freaked out then. Could this cartoon have scared him even though it didn't scare him during the day? via /r/Parenting

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