Thursday, 27 October 2016

12 yr old son is being difficult about sharing room with 7 yr old

You need to understand the background. 12 yr old is very very persistent. Once he wants something, he does not stop complaining or asking for it. Sadly, he often gets what he wants by wearing people down. I am trying to stand strong, but I really want him to stop with giving me a hard time, and giving others a hard time. It causes a lot of stress.Last night, he did not like what was served for dinner. He wanted tortellini. He does this a lot. He refused to eat what was served. Then he went on giving the super depressed horrified face look. He asked over and over and over again for tortellini instead. I actually found myself re-situating the evenings plans to make time to go to the grocery to get HIS meal. I caught myself and said NO, you will NOT have tortellini. You eat what is served or anything else currently in the house, but I will NOT cancel on the evening just go make a grocery trip just for him. Specifically, the evening included his extracurricular (dance, 15-20 minute drive each way), his brother's karate (5-10 minute drive each way), and a preplanned trip to the toy store that I had already told the younger children about (20 minute drive). In between all that was dinner. Of course, he did not want HIS activity cancelled and only started on this after his activity. His activity was 4:30pm-6pm. I told him several times to stop but he kept repeating it. He went to his dad and repeated it. We were on our way out the door to drop older child off early at karate so we could make it to the toy store when husband says he needs to cancel the toy store so he could get the tortellini. I told my husband NO, son is wearing us down again to get his way. It is ridiculous. It is not like he didn't have anything he wanted for dinner at home.We get back from everything and son is sitting there, saying he never ate because he could not eat anything at all in the house, he an only eat tortellini. Husband says ok, he will run to the store and I get it. I said NO, we need to get the kids ready for bed. Son thrusts his lower lip out and whines that he cannot eat anything in the house. Realize, our house is full of food. It also has tons of foods he likes and has requested. He simply wanted tortellini that night.Now to the bedrooms. We have 3 rooms for the boys. He is 12 and shares with the 7 yr old. Both the 12 yr old and 7 yr old still play with Legos and the Legos are everywhere in there. The room is quite big, 13 by 15. The 15 yr old has his own room, which is a smaller room. And my husband, who works from home, has moved out of his office, which has no closet and has cheesy French doors, so that the college student can have his own room when he comes home. College student has ASD so I do not think he will be moving out and getting his own place any time soon. College student has a dorm room this yea but will be living at home next year to finish college.12 yr old wants his own room. He whines all the time about sharing with the 7 yr old. He is demanding that I give him his own room and make 15 yr old and college student share. I started to fold, but then I remembered how silly it would be to have 7 yr old have his own room, very big room, and I KNOW the 12 yr old will insist on hanging out in there to play with the Legos anyway. Switching which room is which is not ok because the office and the smaller bedroom are downstairs and down a hallway, so appropriate for older kids, and the big bedroom is upstairs right next to our bedroom. It also has a very small closet for some reason.Any suggestions on how to get son to stop arguing with us constantly? Son will need to share a room with 7 yr old until oldest son is on his own. IF things change, it will be long down the line and for 12 yr old to share with 15 yr old. Things are not going to change in the next year. I feel tons and tons of stress.It is everything, not just the bedroom situation. It is that every single time 12 yr old wants something, he is very very intense and will not let up. Also, I suspect it is possible that 12 yr old could have ASD. He is our only boy without the DX. But that is not a reason for 12 yr old to get away with this behavior. It would just be an obstacle in getting him to stop. But none of his brothers do this.I would love kind and productive suggestions on how to get him to stop this stressful behavior. It causes a lot of upheaval. via /r/Parenting

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