There are currently 6 adults that at any time are responsible in some aspect for my daughter (including my wife and self) As the father, I'm not always home as I'm working but witnessing my daughter start the terrible two tantrum phase, I'm concerned too many cooks in the kitchen might be a problem for calming tantrums and keeping control.Does anyone here have some experience with that? Background is:My family and I have recently relocated to Korea to be close to my in laws for some familial support as our family has gone from 3 to 4 members (daughter 2 and son 2 months). We are currently living in a large apartment with my in laws that consists of my father in law, mother in law, sister in law and my wife's aunt who stays with us 4 days out of each week. Also included is my wife and myself. Most involved with the raising of my daughter are all but my father in law. He works long hours and is rarely home but my daughter loves him very much and is often super clingy to him. It's mainly my wife, mother in law, and wife's aunt. via /r/Parenting
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