Saturday, 29 October 2016

Parenting Advice Requested

So my son, who is 12 going on 30, is a bright and intuitive you man. He clearly oozes knowledge and often I'm surprised at his interpretations and perspectives he shares on things. He has great potential to do great things.Problem is. He hates school. Like HATES it. When he does do the work, in subjects that are of interest to him, it's As and Bs no problem. If he dislikes the subject, he flat just doesn't do the workMyself and my ex wife have tried many things. His personality matches mine to a T, but additionally so it matches her as well. Think of me and my ex being total opposites. Her the structured and self disciplined, strong in scheduling and planning. Me the laid back, kinda go with the flow, from the heart, calm under pressure.My son takes more from me in that regard, and while stubborn, it is stubborn to not doing the work. We've tried almost everything from special Ed, to counseling, to medicine for ADHD, to grounding and taking away all electronics, which like most kids, is his thing.So my question is, what have you done in the past or what have you experienced that helped turn things around? I know the school system and how kids learn are flawed as hell, but he has a 4 year scholarship waiting for him when he graduates and I don't want to see him waste the gift. He got that because he was adopted by the way.Any advice would be great. And there are many more things that we've tried so if I don't respond to your post, most like tried it. But thanks for anything you give me. via /r/Parenting

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