Saturday, 29 October 2016

I might have fucked up.

My son is 14, he is a great kid and does well at school. He tells me EVERYTHING which is both a blessing and a curse. I am his (40yd) mother. tonight his friend was supposed to be sleeping over my house, his mother is very protective and this was the first time he was allowed to sleep out. I found out 3 days ago that him and 6 friends were planning to buy vodka and my son and his friend were going to sneak out and spend the night drinking in a field. I butted in and said under NO circumstances were they allowed to drink vodka, and stupidly offered to buy them cans of cider instead. From my point of view, I was honestly scared to death about them drinking vodka and dying in a field...but thought that getting them cider would make it better somehow. i'm not a lackadaisical mother, I honestly worry and care about my kids, but I figured that i would rather know exacly what they were doing rather than get a phone call. Maybe i'm trying to justify it to myself, but I honestly believe that I was acting their best interest and knowing EXACTLY what they were doing and what their plans were so I could be ready. If I judged him by his peers, He is honestly miles behind them, lots of them smoke, smoke weed, take various drugs, and generally misbehave. I know if they didnt have cidar off me, then they would have had 4 liters of vodka from their friend, and that is what scares me.....I know i'm wrong for allowing them to drink, but I worry what could happen if he did it in secret via /r/Parenting

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