Thursday, 27 October 2016

Help, my son's Childcare seems to be ignoring his food allergies.

Hi Reddit, I'm asking for some advice. I have a 4 year old in a childcare centre who has a anaphylactic reaction to all nuts, and is also allergic to kiwifruit and eggs. When he started they assured me he would be sitting on a different table with a teacher to supervise which I thought sounded a sensible policy. They do not do this. Each time I pick him up he is with all the other children eating. I found out he had food shared with him on an occasion(one piece of popcorn) which I brought up with the head teacher who said she would sit him on a special seat and have a teacher with him in future. It is still not happening. I'm feeling very conflicted in whether I should be moving him elsewhere because he loves it there and has made friends. Does anyone out there have a similar problem with their child and can offer some advice? Thanks. via /r/Parenting

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