Thursday, 27 October 2016

8 month old will not sleep. Mom is slowly going crazy.

My 8 month old some will not sleep. Whether it's nap time or bedtime he doesn't care. He takes forever to get to sleep and once he's finally asleep and I put him down he last for usually 20 minutes before he's up again. At bed time which is usually around 7 he has a bath and a bottle and will go to sleep for his longest stretch of the day which usually will bring us to about 10 o'clock. After that it's every two hours all night until 630 when he's up for the day.He eats 4 baby food meals a day plus almost a whole can of formula and we're always giving him bites of our food throughout the day because he's at that stage where if we're eating he also wants to be eating.I make sure he has a clean diaper right before bed but he never usually wets them until just before he gets up.He is teething but he hasn't been teething for 4 months straight every night.He just learned to stand by pulling himself up on things so he's usually standing in his crib when I go into his room at night.I've tried just rocking him back to sleep in the middle of the night but that only lasts until I get back into my own bed and get comfy before he's awake again so I have to feed him.Then there's nights like right now where I have been up since 1:30 trying to get him to stay asleep. He's fell asleep 4 or 5 times in the two hours I've been awake and woken up everytime. We're currently sitting on my couch trying to get him to sleep again and he's literally just staring at the ceiling.I'm at my wits end I haven't slept through the night in 8 months and im about to have a mental breakdown. My boyfriends work schedule has him up at 4 most mornings so he never gets up through the night with him. No one wants to take him overnight because he doesn't sleep.I've tried letting him scream. I've tried the no cry sleep solution. I've tried just about all I can think of and im ready to get in my car and drive away for a week because I do not like my baby right now.I don't know what to do. via /r/Parenting

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