Thursday, 27 October 2016

Last night, we finally started to overcome our biggest obstacle and I couldn't be happier

Some of you may have seen my posts in the past about the struggles we've had with our daughter in regards to eating. Even as a newborn, it was a challenge. She would cry because she was hungry, but then cry because you tried to feed her.We had several trips to the emergency room because she would go too long without eating.At four months, she completely stopped letting us know she was hungry and would hold milk in her mouth, refusing to swallow it.By nine months, she had dropped down to the 20s in percentiles for height and weight despite being in the high 70s at 1-2 months.At 10 months, the doctor finally had her evaluated by an outside source. Despite her motor skills and mental development all being at or above average, her association with food was abnormal. She would not put anything in her mouth on her own and wouldn't even take food that had been put on a toy. They offered us suggestions (which didn't work) and that was the last we heard from them.So here she was now at 15 months and still not using a sippy cup, not picking up food on her own, not holding her bottle on her own, and generally avoiding anything to do with food/oral interactions. Until last night.Last night, for the first time in our 15 month struggle, she not only put food in her mouth, but USED A FORK and drank from a sippy cup (holding it herself!) after. I can't even express how much weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Forget walking and talking, this was our big step. via /r/Parenting

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