Saturday, 2 July 2016

[Advice] Serious injury to my step son caused by my dog.

I am very much for reaching out for any amount of positivity pertaining to the situation, so if you have any suggestions as to any other sub Reddits I should post to please feel free to let me know.So, earlier tonight my stepson requested that we go outside (as we do three times a week) and toss tennis balls with our dogs. I own a nine-year-old pitbull terrier and a two-year-old staffordshire terrier mix. Both are on the side of 70 pounds.We were tossing tennis balls back-and-forth to each other, with long tosses for the dogs as normal and my two-year-old staffy barreled into my nine-year-old stepson. This has caused him to completely break his femur and he will be going into surgery shortly here soon into the morning time.I have never felt this amount out of guilt and personal responsibility in my life. I know and understand that accidents happen, I'm feeling very remorseful about the fact that injury occurred by my dog colliding with his leg while playing fetch, on my watch. Not to mention the little guy has been cursing his once beloved dog since he got put on the stretcher.Can anyone offer some advice as to how to move forward with this? How to console my little pal as well as his mother who is not only very anxious by nature, but also pregnant? This is going to be a very long, slow and of course painful experience for really everybody. How do I take care of myself and also keep peace and love ( for my sweet chunky dog ) within my family? via /r/Parenting

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