Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Extremely shy 5 year old daughter - only talks to parents and grandparents

My sweet girl, who will be 5 next week, has been in what I've referred to as a "Shy Phase" for close to a year and half now. Before this started, she had no trouble talking to other family members, close friends, etc. She never was super outgoing as far as strangers go (which is fine by me) but she talked somewhat to people she knew. She has gradually gotten to a place where she only speaks freely and normally to me, my husband and my mom and dad. When there are others around, she won't say anything at all and will only whisper to us if she has something to say.She went to Preschool last year, and thankfully, the teacher told me that she participated normally in class. She talked with her friends, teachers, etc. But if I was there dropping her off or picking her up, she wouldn't talk to the teachers in front of me.I'm trying not to make a big deal about it because I've done some reading and it could be a form of anxiety, which I don't want to make worse for her. I'm just hoping she grows out of it and eventually finds her voice.Anybody out there have any similar experiences or advice to share? via /r/Parenting

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