Saturday, 30 July 2016

Stressed to the MAX. 3yr old daughter out of control! PLEASE HELP.

We are in desperate need of some advice! We are concerned that our daughters behavior is not normal and we don't know what we are doing wrong. Please give any advice you have and be specific. We have received advice like "you need a punishment" or "you need to set boundaries"...we know this but DONT KNOW HOW. Scenario: We are in a park, at home, the grocery store, OR ANYWHERE and tell her "no" or "we need to leave now" or "you need to drink a sip of water" AND IT STARTS! She screams uncontrollably AND has the lung capacity of an elephant. She screams like she's being murdered, and nothing consoles her except giving in. We've held out for an hour plus, we've tried counting, we've done time outs, we've done child locks on doors, we've tried snuggling/hugging, we've tried taking toys away, putting her in a specific time out chair, behavior chart, positive reinforcement, etc. etc. etc.Before anyone asks, she watches television maybe 1 to 2 hours a day, she plays outside often and gets plenty of stimulation from my wife who is a sahm right now with my daughter and 4 month old son. My wife takes her to playdates, parks, events, etc. and has endured several screaming fits at all of these places. The only things we can think of is to completely cut sugar out of her diet, and to take her pacifier completely away although she only has it for naps and bedtime currently. She is adjusting to a recent move, however this behavior started long before the move. She is currently throwing a fit right now and has been doing so for an hour and ten minutes and counting. Tonight we will probably give her a pacifier and put her to bed just to get it to stop.Corporal punishment - my wife was abused and is afraid of corporal punishment as an option. I personally don't like the idea of it because it seems like many people use it as a means to the end of their own frustration rather than to the benefit of the child. I do not want to take out our own frustrations on our child through spanking because I feel there are no boundaries for spanking, however to be honest, this behavior is having a serious toll on our lives and I am open to any ideas or advice anyone has. If you have advice about corporal punishment, please tell me what steps you go through before it escalates to that level(not when the do something really bad). My wife has enrolled her in preschool for two half days a week, mostly because she just needs a break from this, but we are afraid that our daughter will have one of these fits and be asked to not return to preschool. Please help Reddit!!!! via /r/Parenting

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