Wednesday, 27 July 2016

She keeps me going. (Video)

I'm having trouble lately. I feel like I'm at work all day and I never get to see my daughter. My wife is struggling with the fact that she's going back to work soon. I feel like If I have any suggestions at all as to how we should raise our daughter, she holds this fact over my head, I don't think its intentional... Its more a "YOU Try dealing with her all day" when in reality, if we could afford it, I would have taken pat leave in an INSTANT. I just feel like I'm not really involved in raising her and it breaks my heart.Anyway, My job is kind of a dead end. It pays enough to keep me there, but there's no where to go. I don't get any of the credit that I should get, and its very unrewarding. The commute is killing me, but I do it to support my family. But I never get to see her.Just when I'm feeling like I can't do it anymore, I get a little nugget from abigail. Something that lets me know "I love you Daddy" even though she can't say it. This time, it was the way she was looking at me, while I was making her laugh. will keep me going for a long time.Fellow Dad's and Working parents... How do you keep going?Someone sent me the simpsons clip "Do it for her" I broke down. via /r/Parenting

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