Friday, 29 July 2016

Help with a 3 year old taking medicine regularly and hitting/kicking parents

We have always known that we were lucky to have such a great kid who behaves, sleeps, and eats like an adult. The only part that's ever been hard is managing his chronic illnesses that don't hinder him much, just us keeping his environment safe. That said, he turned three a month ago and has completely changed.He must take medicines when he first wakes up and goes to bed that are mixed into a tablespoon of applesauce or yogurt. These medicines have not changed in over a year and he was just fine with taking them. For the past few days, taking medicines has been something he has been protesting and drawing out for hours. He can't eat until he has taken these and he thinks he can outlast us, but he always ends up taking it after having his meltdowns or outbursts. If we talk about why he wouldn't take it later we get "I don't know" or "I don't want my medicine" but then he will understand why and will pretend to take it nicely in play. Then the next dose comes around and it's another battle. We've let him take it himself, we've given it to him, we've offered to see what he wants to do, but all he really wants is to not take it. Since it is just applesauce in a bowl, we have ended up with it all over us too from him saying he'll take it and then throwing it on us.Coupled with this, he will hit us followed by a kick or headbutt. We are slowly losing our patience and it's made protesting his medicines also violent outbursts. It will come from nowhere in the middle of the day too. He will approach me and say, "I love you Mama" and then rip my glasses off my face and throw them across the room. Quickly escalating into kicking and headbutting me, he is out to hurt me. If I ask him what's bothering him I get "I don't know" and if I try to tell him he's angry or sad I get "I not angry[sad]" in return.He doesn't see violence on tv, seeing as he only watches Daniel Tiger with any regularity, or at home. I stay home with him but we are out with other children frequently and he is just fine with them. He stayed with my parents for a short time and attacked them just like he does with us, so it seems to be adults in his life. I'd understand if this was predicated by a "No" or correction, but it really is midplay or midconversation.I know this is not surprising 3 year old behavior, I'm just at a loss for ideas on medicine and not being bullied by my son. I was raised in an abusive home so when my son comes in for hugs, I find myself shying away so I don't get slapped and I hate that. Plus, we can't reason with a three year old that the medicine is important because he doesn't get it.TL;DR Child used to take medicine normally, now protests the 2 bites of applesauce each morning and night. Also having issues with trying to hurt Mom and Dad, both provoked and unprovoked. via /r/Parenting

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