My wife (27) and I (34) recently moved into a new home with our son (27 Months) about 3 weeks ago. The new home has two floors, and our son has been adjusting to the set of stairs. We have a removable baby gate at the top and the bottom is not in an area where he is allowed to roam free yet, as toddler-proofing has not been completed.When we first moved into the house, he was prohibited from going up and down the stairs without holding our hand or being carried. Over the past few weeks I noticed that when I hold his hand, he is often less cautious and less steady when going up or going down the stairs, so I started not holding his hand and instead, just staying 2 or 3 steps below him as he went up or down the stairs himself. He has never fallen, stumbled or needed my help.Two nights ago, I was home alone with him, which is not usual for our family. After dinner, he needed a new diaper, so I let him go up the stairs ahead of me to his room where he got changed. When it was time to come down the stairs, he hesitated and didn't follow me down immediately. So I went to the bottom of the stairs and whipped out my phone to take video of him either protesting coming down the stairs, or coming down the stairs by himself (big steps, proud daddy, YAY!)He made it down the stairs with no issue, other than not always holding onto the railing. He got to the bottom, was proud of himself, and I gave him a big hug. I posted the video to Facebook, titled it "My son attempts to put himself in the hospital" out of snark, and got a few comments from family members saying that "their heart stopped" watching the video. I laughed it off and didn't really worry about it.Well my wife is furious with me for letting him go down the stairs alone and posting it to Facebook - and not consulting her first.I think she's being overprotective and petty. She's a redditor and I told her I was going to ask r/Parenting, so she might chime in if I've misconstrued her concerns. I've promised her in the meantime that I won't let him go down the stairs without me RIGHT THERE in the future - but I'm bitter about this. The research I've done says baby gates should still be installed at this age, but it is common for 2-year-olds and above to go up and down stairs unattended. She told me she got calls from concerned family members and friends about how dangerous and irresponsible I was to let him go down the stairs alone.Some notes:*Our son is very steady on his feet, rarely falls and has been a strong climber and surefooted since he learned to walk.The steps are hardwood and not carpeted. At the bottom of the steps (where I took the video) it is hard tile, so a fall would be pretty bad.The railing is at the extent of his reach, so it is not easy to reach it.I grew up with an overprotective mother, and I hated it. My wife's little brother fell down an entire flight of stairs in a walker when he was 9 months old.What do you think? Should I have asked my wife if she thought he was ready to go down the stairs by himself before letting him? Do you think a 27 month-old who is a great climber and very steady on his feet should be allowed to go down the stairs without and adult right next to him? via /r/Parenting
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