Sunday, 31 July 2016

I've had enough of my wife's rage and anger

I'm starting to think it is Postpartum Rage. We have twins so it's already hard at 9 months. She lashes out so much now that I pull her up on it. Things like punching our bed or couch when they won't go to sleep, throwing a high chair against the wall because one wouldn't stop crying, and lots of sarcasm like "oh, you don't want to eat, never mind I made it especially for you, just like in the fucking book you little shit."Writing it out makes it sound really bad, but it's just raging like people do in a car with road rage ... It is just really aggressive and threatening but that's it. But it's the emotional impact I see on my boys. They see mommy rage and it upsets them. I have started pointing it out and usually get some catastrophised bullshit response like "you think I'm a bad mother" or a defensive "I'd never hurt them, I'm just tired and exhausted" or " you are only home when I'm having a bad time."I just hate it. Tonight After trying to explain her behaviour as concerning I basically said "They're my kids and I'll protect them, so stop raging at them. It's scares and upsets them." Understandably this was awful for her but I feel like she needs to hear these hard truths. She has a counsellor and visiting nurses, and I've no idea if she talked about it with them, but am starting to think if she hasn't then she should.Any advice or shared experience? I'm hoping it's a phase. via /r/Parenting

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